Dr Ben Gardner
Physics and Astronomy
For a full list of publications, please see my Google Scholar Page
I’m a PI within the biomedical physics group (Translational Biophotonics), and my research sits under the Biomedical spectroscopy and imaging research theme. My research sits at the interface of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, where I’m interested in how we can develop vibrational spectroscopy to solve real world problems, ranging from medicine to industry. Previously I have worked to develop the capabilities of Deep Raman spectroscopy, which comprises Spatially offset Raman Spectroscopy (SORS) and Transmission Raman (TRS). My research pioneered the concept of non-invasive, chemically specific at depth / through barrier temperature sensing. More about how this work has been further developed can be read here. In addition, I have worked on the clinical translation of TRS as a tool to support mammography. A prototype device was trialled at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital to assess tissue removed as part of clinical intervention for breast cancer, specifically to asses calcifications which are currently underutilised in the clinical pathway decisions. My PhD project investigated protein misfolding i.e. probing kinetics of protein aggregation and fibrillogenesis using a number of biophysics techniques including Raman spectroscopy and Raman optical activity (ROA).