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Physics and Astronomy

Photo of Mr David Tatnell

Mr David Tatnell

Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2017)


I am currently a third year PhD student within the XM2 Metamaterials CDT at Exeter.

I previously graduated from Loughborough University in 2017 with an MPhys (Hons) in Physics. For my final project I investigated the spin Seebeck thermoelectric effect as a means of harvesting waste heat to produce useful electrical output. In particular, I focused on the efficiency of conversion between the applied heat flux and the power output, and how this could be improved using multilayer thin film structures.

For my current project, supervised by Dr David Horsell and Prof. Alastair Hibbins, I am investigating micro-acoustic arrays for active sound control. We are the first to demonstrate using arrays of themoacoustic sources (i.e., generating sound from heat, rather than mechanical vibration) to generate and control the beam profile of sound in air. This particular method of sound generation has a number of benefits: most prominent is the lack of moving parts, which allows us to create arrays much smaller than is possible with traditional speakers.

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