I am a PhD student within the Centre of Doctoral training XM2 at the University of Exeter. In July 2016 I graduated with a BSc. Mathematics and Physics from the University of Exeter. In my undergraduate dissertation I investigated the effect various properties of acoustic strings had on the inharmonticity of the note.
My PhD project is titled Microfluidic metamaterials for lab on chip technology. This project aims to investigate the collective behaviour of multiple ferromagnetic particles linked together by an elastic coupling to form one continuous periodic structure, a magneto-elastic membrane. The membrane will be manipulated by a magnetic field for applications in microfluidic channels.
Further information
PhD Project Description
Microfluidic metamaterials for lab-on-a-chip technology
Prof. Feodor Ogrin and Dr. Stefano Pagliara
This project will explore a new type of soft metamaterials based on magnetically actuated micromechanical motors [1,2]. The motor is based on a dipole pair of ferromagnetic particles linked by an elastic coupler. When such a micromotor is placed in an oscillating uniform external magnetic it can work as a self-propelling low Reynolds number (Re << 1) swimming device or a pump when immersed in fluid. The aim of the project is to exploit the collective behaviour of many individual micromotors combined in one continuous periodic structure, a magneto-elastic membrane (MEM). In particular, we will look at the design and implementation of microfluidic devices, based on MEM, which would perform a range of functions required in lab-on-a-chip technology. For instance, there is a current need to achieve a controlled flow of liquids at microscopic scale. This project will explore this issue by systematically investigating the performance of MEMs and their control (by the magnetic field) within the environment of microfluidic channels. We will also look at the possibility of using MEMs in other biophysical applications, such as bioreactors, for active cell growth. Indirectly related to the Subtheme R.4.6 ‘Magnetic metamaterials’. There are no analogous of such materials to this day. Once implemented it will provide breakthroughs across a range of technologies, including: electromagnetic metamaterials, microfluidics, tissue engineering, auxetics, optics and photonics.
[1] F.Y. Ogrin, P.G. Petrov et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 218102.A.D. Gilbert et al. Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 64 (2011) 239-263.
[2] F.Y. Ogrin, P.G. Petrov et al. Controllable Magnetic Systems, Patent application WO 2009/103938 A1, US 2011/0052393 A1, 2009, 2011.
Oral Presentations:
Magnetism 2018, Manchester UK (9th-10th April 2018) - "Development of novel magnetic-elastic membranes for microfluidic applications".
Bio-inspired Magnetic Systems (BIMS) 2018, Exeter UK (9th-11th July 2018) - "Development of novel magnetic-elastic membranes for microfluidic applications".
Magnetism 2019, Leeds UK (8th-9th April 2018) - "Investigation of Coupled Elasto-Magnetic Pumps for Microfluidic Applications".
Intermag 2020, Montreal Canada (4th-8th May 2020)- "Investigation of a Coupled Elasto-Magnetic Discs Structure for Low Reynolds Number Pumps". - Cancelled
Poster Presentations:
Magnetism 2017, York UK (3rd-4th April 2017) - "The investigation of the coercive field and saturation magnetisation of microscopic CoNiP elements produced by electrodeposition."
Micromotors Summer School, Dresden Germany (13th-18th August 2017) - "The investigation of the coercive field and saturation magnetisation of microscopic CoNiP elemetns produced by electrodeposition."
62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh USA (6th-10th November 2017) - "Development of novel magneto-elastic membranes for microfluidic applications".
Bio-inspired Magnetic Systems (BIMS) 2018, Exeter UK (9th-11th July 2018) - "Development of novel magnetic-elastic membranes for microfluidic applications".
2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Washington DC USA (14th-18th January 2019) - "Advanced Processing of Bio-Inspired Magnetic Metamaterials".
MMM2020, Virtual (originally Florida USA) (2nd-6th November 2020)- "Investigation of a Coupled Elasto-Magnetic Discs Structure for Low Reynolds Number Pumps".