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Physics and Astronomy

Photo of Miss Federica Rescigno

Miss Federica Rescigno


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I am a PhD student at the University of Exeter with Raphaelle Haywood. I specialize in planet detection and stellar activity in the radial velocity regime, as well as Bayesian statistics and Gaussian processes.

I received my MPhys from Durham University in 2020.

Research Interests

I focus on understanding the stellar activity signal in radial velocity surveys for the detection of exoplanets. I have developed a python3 pipeline called MAGPy, a Gaussian process regression tool with MCMC paramter search algorithm. I am using this new pipeline in the detection and characterisations of two systems with the HARPS-N Science Team.

I am also involved in "Sun as an exoplanet-hosting distant star" studies. In particular, I am looking at the solar polarised magnetic flux, measured with the SDO/HMI, and to whether it can be a good proxy for modeling stellar activity.

I am a member of the HARPS-N Science Team and the HARPS-N Solar Team, as well as a collaborator for the Terra Hunting Experiment Consortium in the Science Team, the Solar Team and the Polarimetry Team.

I am passionate about scientific dissemination and am therefore very active in public outreach. I especially love working with younger students and children, from visiting schools, exchanging letters to direct pastoral mentoring in highschool.


Here are my papers, my extended CV and my GitHub.

Check out my website as well! 

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  • Rescigno F. (2024) CONSTANT AS THE STARS ABOVE or how the stars are in fact not constant at all: Understanding and mitigating stellar variability for the detection of exoplanets.

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