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Physics and Astronomy

Photo of Prof Janet Anders

Prof Janet Anders

Associate Professor in Quantum Theory

 (Streatham) 4083

 01392 724083


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I am a theoretical physicist and work in quantum thermodynamics and quantum information theory. My research focuses on thermodynamic aspects of quantum systems, including work, heat and entropy production in quantum non-equilibrium processes, strong coupling thermodynamics, the link between information theory and thermodynamics (e.g. Landauer’s principle and Maxwell’s demon), and entanglement properties of thermal quantum states. 

My group also works on translating some of the tools from quantum thermodynamics to neighbouring topics and disciplines. Examples include applying quantum thermodynamic methods to predicting quantum and strong coupling effects in magnetisation dynamics, and using stochastic thermodynamics to analyse properties of biomolecular processes. 

I joined the University of Exeter in 2013 as a Lecturer, and have been promoted to Associate Professor in 2018.
I am a member of the Electromagnetic and Acoustic Materials group and a member of Exeter's Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation (CMRI) advising on quantum technologies and quantum thermodynamics. I am delighted to also hold a part-time appointment as a professor for quantum theory at the Institute for Physics and Astronomy at the University of Potsdam in Germany.

At the University of Exeter I lead Exeter's Quantum Non-Equilibrium group - see our publications.

Education and Employment

  • EPSRC early career Research Fellow at University of Exeter, since 2018
  • permanent academic staff (Lecturer, Assoc Prof) at University of Exeter since 2013
  • postdoc, then Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin research fellowship holder, at UCL, 2007-2013
  • Physics PhD student and scholarship recipient, National University of Singapore, SG, 2004-2007
  • Undergraduate student in Physics (5year German Diplom), University of Potsdam, DE, 1998-2003

Funded Research Projects

Projects for which I am/was the Principal investigator (PI) or a Co-Investigator (Co-I):

  • "Nanomechanics in the solid-state for quantum information thermodynamics (NanoQIT)", FQXI, 2019-2023, £1.8M — Co-I
  • "Molecular Mechanics of Enzymes", EPSRC, 2019-2022, £2M — collaborator
  • "Nanoscale thermodynamics: From Experiments and Applications to a practical Theory (nanoFEAT)", EPSRC, 2018-2023, £1M — PI
  • "Experimental implications of new developments in quantum thermodynamic theory", EPSRC, 2015-2017, £100k — PI
  • "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime", EU COST office, 2013-2017, €520k — PI
  • "Dynamics of information in quantum many-body systems", Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship, 2009-2013, £459k — PI
  • “Secure quantum cryptography with state tomography", Gottfried-Daimler-und-Karl-Benz-Foundation PhD scholarship, 2004-2007, €18k — PI

Public Engagement

  • Advisory Board member of the Exeter Science Centre
  • Exeter Scholars (Year12 students) lecturer, Exeter University (2020)
  • Viewpoint article (for general physics audience) on “Powering an Engine with Quantum Coherence” (2019)
  • Large press coverage (general public) following our press release “How hot is Schrödinger's coffee?”,  in News Outlets including Sci-News, Science Daily,, LiveScience,, Galileonet, Europa press, ZAP (2018)
  • Scientific expert interviewee for Quanta magazine's Natalie Wolchover's  (general public) article “The Quantum Thermodynamics Revolution” (2017)
  • Large press coverage (general public) following our press release “Physicists read Maxwell demon’s mind”, in News Outlets including EurekaAlert!,, Science Newsline, Sci-News, RT Network, Science News, (2017)
  • Research Uncovered Lecture (general public), Exeter University (2016)
  • Exeter Pre-University Physics Course (Year12 students) lecturer, Exeter University (2016)
  • Christmas Lecture (400 sixth form students from local schools) Exeter University (2015)
  • Large press coverage (general public) following our press release “New method for measuring the temperature of nanoscale objects discovered”, in News Outlets including Nanowerk, EurekaAlert!, Science Daily,, Daily News, Free News, e! Science News, IEEE Spectrum, Africa Science News (2014)
  • Scientific adviser and interviewee for BBC Four's TV programme “Order and Disorder: Information” presented by Jim Al-Khalili (2012)
  • Showcasing optical levitation experiment and discussing physics with festival goers, Cheltenham Science Festival (2012) and Oxford Science Festival (2012)
  • Judge on panel for Royal Society Book Prize 2010

Prizes and Honours

  • IOP Bates Prize for “pioneering contributions to quantum information theory and its application to quantum thermodynamics”, awarded by the Institute of Physics, UK (2015)
  • Visiting Fellowship of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK (2013)
  • Teaching Award, National University of Singapore, SG (2007)
  • Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Prize for outstanding graduation, DE (2004)

Service to science community

  • Initiator of the Quantum Thermodynamics Conferences (QTDs), chaperoning these events into existence since 2013. 
  • Assessor for PhD theses on topics in quantum thermodynamics and information in the UK and internationally. 
  • Reviewer for research journals in physics, mathematics and computer science, including Physical Review Letters, Quantum, Nature Communications, PRA, Science, Nature.
  • Coordinator of KITP programme on "Thermodynamics of quantum systems: Measurement, engines, and control" 2018. 
  • Programme committee member of several international conferences and workshops on quantum information, thermodynamics and nanoscience.
  • Panel member for science funding bodies, including EPSRC, Royal Society and DPG. 
  • Grant reviewer for science funding bodies in the UK and internationally, including EPSRC (peer review college), Royal Society, ERC, ANR,  DPG, FWF, NWO, SNSF, Wallenberg Foundation.
  • Initiated large-scale European COST network “Thermodynamics in the quantum regime” bringing together researchers from 32 countries (2013 - 2017)
  • Editorial Board Member of the New Journal of Physics.
  • Chair of Juno committee for good practice at UCL Physics & Astronomy (2009 - 2011).
  • QuantumPub organiser to enable quantum researchers from London universities to meet up (2008-2012).
  • Initiator and organiser of UCL Physics & Astronomy's Quantum theory seminar series and founder of the now widely used mailing list (2008-2013).


  • Consultancy on quantum and nanoscale thermodynamics issues for a large electronic devices manufacturer, 2019.

Recent conference talks and seminars

  • “Thermodynamics in the presence of coherence and strong coupling corrections” seminar virtually at City University New York, USA, 2020
  • “Thermodynamics in the presence of coherence and strong coupling corrections” invited talk at NITheP workshop, virtually in Durban, SA, 2020
  • “Deriving a generalised Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert (LLG)  equation from a system+bath Hamiltonian” talk at Quantum Thermodynamics conference, virtually in Barcelona, ES, 2020
  • “Thermodynamic signatures of distinguishability in an optomechanical setting” invited talk at Workshop Quantum Thermodynamics of 
Non-Equilibrium Systems (QTDNEQ20), virtually in Donostia, ES, 2020
  • “Thermodynamics beyond the weak coupling limit: energy-temperature uncertainty relation” talk at Quarantine Thermo, YouTube, 2020
  • “Thermodynamics in the presence of coherence and strong coupling corrections” invited talk at EQUS workshop, Wollongong, AUS, 2019
  • “Energetic footprints of coherence and irreversibility in the quantum regime” invited talk at BIRS workshop on Transport Processes, Banff, CA, 2019
  • “Energetic footprints of irreversibility in the quantum regime” invited talk at CCPQ workshop at Cumberland Lodge, UK, 2019
  • Lectures on Quantum Thermodynamics, XXI Giambiagi graduate student winter school, Buenos Aires, ARG, 2019
  • “Thermodynamics beyond the weak coupling limit” invited talk at Conference on complex quantum systems out of equilibrium, Yerevan, AR, 2019
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” lecture at Cumberland Lodge student conference, UK, 2019
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” colloquium at Bath University, UK, 2019
  • “Thermodynamics in the presence of coherence and strong coupling corrections” invited talk at workshop on New Tools for Emergence and Non-Equilibrium Physics, NPL, UK, 2018
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” colloquium at KTH Stockholm, SE, 2018
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” seminar at Aarhus University, DK, 2018
  • “Thermodynamics beyond the weak coupling limit” invited talk at Stochastic Thermodynamics workshop MPIPKS Dresden, DE, 2018
  • Blackboard talk for the 2018 KITP programme on “Thermodynamics of quantum systems”, Santa Barbara, USA, 2018
  • “Thermodynamics beyond the weak coupling limit” invited talk at ICMM workshop Loughborough, UK, 2018
  • “Thermodynamics beyond the weak coupling limit” seminar at Kings College London, UK, 2018
  • “Thermodynamics beyond the weak coupling limit” seminar at Royal Holloway, UK, 2018
  • “Observing a Quantum Maxwell demon at Work” invited talk at Quantum Systems and Technology conference, Monte Verita, CH, 2018
  • “Observing a Quantum Maxwell demon at Work” invited talk at CQIS conference, Tokyo, JP, 2018
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” invited talk at Stochastic Thermodynamics workshop, Nordita Stockholm, SE, 2017
  • “Observing a Quantum Maxwell demon at Work” talk at QUAMP conference, Glasgow, UK, 2017
  • “Landauer’s principle in the strongly coupled quantum regime” invited talk at Strong Coupling workshop in Bad Honnef, DE, 2017
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” colloquium at St Andrews University, UK, 2016
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” seminar at Durham University, UK, 2016
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” seminar at Birmingham University, UK, 2016
  • “Thermodynamics at the nanoscale” seminar at Cardiff University, UK, 2016
  • "What is quantum in quantum thermodynamics: Coherence and thermodynamic work” talk at graduate student training school, Cambridge, UK, 2016
  • “Nanoscale temperature measurements using non-equilibrium Brownian dynamics of a levitated nanosphere” invited talk at SPIE San Diego, USA, 2016
  • "What is quantum in quantum thermodynamics: Coherence and thermodynamic work” seminar at Maryland University, USA, 2016
  • “An intro to Quantum Thermodynamics” at Benasque workshop, ES, 2016
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” seminar at Sussex University, UK, 2016
  • “Thermodynamics at the nanoscale” invited talk at the Quantum Technologies Challenges for the 21st Century workshop, Chicheley Hall, UK, 2016
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” seminar at École Normale Supérieure Paris, FR, 2016
  • “Coherence and measurement in quantum thermodynamics” seminar at Bristol University, UK, 2015
  • “Temperature of levitated nanospheres and coherences in quantum thermodynamics” seminar at Imperial College London, UK, 2015
  • “Ancilla-Driven Quantum Computation (ADQC)” talk at GW4 meeting, Cardiff, UK, 2015
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” invited talk at Hybrid Quantum Systems Far from Equilibrium workshop, Chicheley Hall, UK, 2015
  • “Coherence and measurement in quantum thermodynamics” seminar at DAMTP Cambridge, UK, 2015
  • “Coherence and measurement in quantum thermodynamics” talk at Quantum Thermodynamics conference, Porquerolles, FR, 2015
  • Lectures on Quantum Information, Computation and Cryptography, graduate student summer school, Bad Honnef, DE, 2015
  • “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale” talk at QUAMP conference, Brighton, UK, 2015
  • “Information and Thermodynamics” seminar at Hannover University, DE, 2015
  • “Information and Thermodynamics” talk at Paris Physics and Information workshop, FR, 2015
  • “Quantum Thermodynamics” winter school talk, Oxford University, UK, 2015
  • “The power of entanglement: Computation, Phase transitions, and the 2nd law” seminar at Lancaster University, UK, 2015
  • “Quantum thermodynamics” talk at SouthWest Quantum Technologies workshop, UK, 2014
  • “Discrete quantum trajectories and Brownian motion experiments” seminar at Buenos Aires University, ARG 2014
  • “Nanoscale temperature measurements using non-equilibrium Brownian dynamics of a levitated nanosphere” at Quantum Optics VII conference, Mar del Plata, ARG 2014
  • Lectures on Quantum thermodynamics, QUICC graduate student summer school, Imperial/Exeter, UK, 2014
  • “Quantum advantages in computation” seminar at Bristol University, UK, 2014
  • “Thermodynamics of discrete quantum processes” seminar at ETH Zurich, CH, Apr 2014
  • “Light-levitated nanospheres for classical and quantum non-equilibrium processes” at the See of Galilee workshop, IL, Mar 2014
  • “Classical and quantum fluctuations” talk at Royal Society conference, UK, 2014

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |



  • Oliveira ASF, Rubio J, Noble CEM, Anderson JLR, Anders J, Mulholland AJ. (2023) Fluctuation relations to calculate protein redox potentials from molecular dynamics simulations, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.2302.13089.
  • Scali S, Horsley S, Anders J, Cerisola F. (2023) SpiDy.jl: open-source Julia package for the study of non-Markovian stochastic dynamics, Journal of Open Source Software, 9(97), 6263 (2024). [PDF]
  • Hovhannisyan KV, Nemati S, Henkel C, Anders J. (2023) Long-Time Equilibration Can Determine Transient Thermality, PRX Quantum, volume 4, no. 3, DOI:10.1103/prxquantum.4.030321.
  • Hogg CR, Cerisola F, Cresser JD, Horsley SAR, Anders J. (2023) Enhanced entanglement in multi-bath spin-boson models, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.2306.11036.
  • Dunlop J, Cerisola F, Tabanera-Bravo J, Anders J. (2023) Thermodynamically Optimal Protocols for Dual-Purpose Qubit Operations. [PDF]
  • Hartmann F, Scali S, Anders J. (2023) Anisotropic signatures in the spin-boson model, Phys. Rev. B, volume 108. [PDF]
  • Berritta M, Scali S, Cerisola F, Anders J. (2023) Accounting for Quantum Effects in Atomistic Spin Dynamics. [PDF]
  • Eerqing N. (2023) Single-molecule Characterisation of DNA Hybridization via Fluorescence Microscopy and Optoplasmonic Sensing Approaches.
  • Scali S, Anders J, Horsley SAR. (2023) Graph theory approach to exceptional points in wave scattering, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor, volume 56. [PDF]



















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