Dr Jennifer Haskell
Research Associate
(Streatham - Biophysics PHY210) 5825
(Biophysics PHY210) 01392 725825
Jenni Haskell's research to date is centred on the application of Raman spectroscopy to cancer detection. She completed her MSci in Natural Sciences at the University of Exeter in 2018, during which she worked on a project using drop coating deposition Raman spectroscopy (DCDRS) of blood plasma to detect lung and ovarian cancer from healthy controls.
She then undertook her PhD within the Biomedical Spectroscopy group, focusing on methods to improve diagnosis and management of breast cancer using Raman spectroscopy. This included involvement in an EPSRC funded project working in the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital (Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) to investigate deep Raman spectroscopy for breast cancer screening, and high wavenumber Raman spectroscopy to assess breast tumour margins.
She now works in the group as a Research Associate, progressing the development of a prototype device for the application of deep Raman spectroscopy in vivo for breast cancer screening.
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
- Haskell J. (2024) Raman Spectroscopy Techniques for the Detection and Management of Breast Cancer.
- Chudasama D, Katopodis P, Stone N, Haskell J, Sheridan H, Gardner B, Urnovitz H, Schuetz E, Beck J, Hall M. (2019) Liquid Biopsies in Lung Cancer: Four Emerging Technologies and Potential Clinical Applications, Cancers (Basel), volume 11, no. 3, DOI:10.3390/cancers11030331. [PDF]