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Physics and Astronomy

Photo of Prof Mikhail (Misha) Portnoi

Prof Mikhail (Misha) Portnoi

Associate Professor

 (Streatham) 4154

 01392 724154

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I am a theoretical physicist with a broad range of research interests spanning from exactly-solvable problems in quantum and statistical mechanics and anyon excitons in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime to THz applications of carbon-based nanostructures and modelling white light-emitting diodes. My most recent work is related to zero-energy states in graphene, excitons in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes and optical properties of two-dimensional materials with tilted Dirac cones.

Pleasa, contact me directly at m.e.portnoi(at)  if you are interested in PhD study under my supervision. A choice of projects in the theory of low-dimensional condensed matter systems is available.

Further details of my research can be found here.

Education and Employment

Visiting positions

  • 2004: Visiting Scientist, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex System, Dresden, Germany      
  • 2005 - 2006: Full Professor and Group Head, International Center for Condensed Matter Physics, University of Brasília (ICCMP-UnB), Brazil (on sabbatical leave from Exeter)
  • 2007 - 2009: Visiting Professor, ICCMP-UnB, Brazil (three visits)
  • 2010 - 2014, 2016, 2019: Visiting Professor, International Institute of Physics, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IIP-UFRN), Natal, Brazil (seven visits)
  • 2018 - 2020: Research Professor, ITMO University, Russia
  • 2019: Visiting Professor, Westlake University, Hangzhou, China

Funded Research Projects

  • EU H2020 RISE Project “Chiral Metamaterials for THz Polarisation Control”  (CHARTIST) H2020-MSCA-RISE-101007896, 01/04/2024-31/03/2026 [Exeter PI] (€55,200 for Exeter)

  • EPSRC grant "Electric and optical manipulation of 2D excitons for room temperature polariton blockade and valley qubits” (Funder Ref. EP/Y021339/1), 2023-2026 [CI] (£1,122,520 for Exeter)

  • EU H2020 RISE Project “Dirac Semimetals-based Terahertz Components” (DiSeTCom) H2020-MSCA-RISE-823728, 11/10/2021-31/12/2023 [Exeter PI] (€78,200 for Exeter)

  • Nato Science for Peace and Security Project “Constructing Novel Non-Classical States of Electromagnetic Field for Far-Field Sensing, RADAR and LIDAR Applications”, NATO SPS G5860, 01/07/2021-30/06/2024, [Exeter PI] (€86,020 for Exeter)

  • EU H2020 RISE Project "Terahertz Antennas with Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission" (TERASSE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-823878, 1/6/2019-31/12/2024  [Exeter PI] (€193,200 for Exeter)

  • EU H2020 RISE Project “Collective Excitations in Advanced Nanostructures” (CoExAN) H2020-MSCA-RISE-644076,1/10/ 2015-30/9/2019 [Exeter PI] €1,003,500 (€225,000 for Exeter)

  • EU FP7 IRSES Project "Carbon-nanotube-based terahertz-to-optics rectenna" (CANTOR), FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-612285, 1/1/2014 - 31/12/2017 [Coordinator], €91,200

  • EU FP7 IRSES Project "Interaction phenomena in novel materials" (InterNoM), FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-612624, 1/10/2013 - 30/9/2017 [Exeter PI], €114,000 (€38,000 for Exeter)

  • EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network "Novel Type of Terahertz Devices" (NOTEDEV), FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-607521, 1/10/2013 - 30/9/2017 [Exeter PI], €3,880,583 (€572,313 for Exeter)

  • EU FP7 IRSES Project "Quantum optics of carbon-based nanostructures" (QOCaN), FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-316432, 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2016 [Coordinator], €96,000

  • EU FP7 IRSES Project "Spin-related phenomena in mesoscopic transport" (SPINMET), FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-246784, 1/6/2010 - 31/5/2014 [Exeter PI], €396,000 (€28,800 for Exeter)

  • EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network "Spin effects for quantum optoelectronics" (Spin-Optronics), FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-237252, 1/10/2009 - 30/9/2013 [Exeter PI], €3,280,068 (€224,738 for Exeter)

  • EU FP7 IRSES Project "Route to Bose-Einstein condensation at room temperature" (ROBOCON), FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-230832, 1/1/2009 - 31/12/2012 [Exeter PI], €459,000 (€93,600 for Exeter)

  • EU FP7 IRSES Project "Terahertz applications of carbon-based nanostructures" (TerACaN), FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-230778, 1/1/2009 - 31/12/2012 [Coordinator],  €86,400

  • International Travel Grant - Travel for Collaboration, Incoming Visit of Prof. O.V. Kibis, Royal Society TG100131, 1/10/2010 - 23/12/2010 [PI], £4,000

  • "Carbon nanotubes as a basis for optoelectronic devices in the terahertz range", Joint Project, Royal Society JP071576, 1/5/2007 – 30/4/2009 [PI], £12,000

  • "Electromagnetics of nanostructures", INTAS 05-96-1076, 2006-2008 [Exeter PI], €60,000 (€7,500 for Exeter)

  • "A study of the anomalous electronic and optical properties of chiral carbon nanotubes", Joint Project, Royal Society Ref: 15333, 1/6/2003-31/08/2005 [PI], £10,000

  • "On the theory of electron-phonon interaction in the quantum Hall regime", EPSRC GR/R20311/01, 1/2/2001 – 31/1/2003 [PI], £63,509

  • Royal Society Conference Grants: CG0872132, 2008/R2, £1,500; CG071936, 2007/R1, £1,400; CG062796, 2006/R3, £1,280; CG052382, 2005/R2, £700; CG041672, 2004/R1, £1,400;  CG031198, 2003/R3, £960

Invited Presentations

International Conferences

Seminars and Colloquia

  • 2020: Cardiff University 
  • 2019: Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  • 2019: Westlake University, Hangzhou, China
  • 2018: University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China
  • 2017: Columbia University, New York, USA
  • 2017: Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield UK
  • 2016: Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
  • 2015: V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 2014: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University,Tallahassee, Florida, USA
  • 2013: Institut Néel / CNRS & Nanosciences Foundation, Grenoble, France
  • 2012: University of Regensburg, Germany
  • 2011: Cambridge University (CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lecture),
  • 2010: University College London (Mathematics)
  • 2008: Strathclyde University, Glasgow
  • 2007: University of Bath
  • 2007: University of Montpellier, France
  • 2007: Southampton University
  • 2007: Sheffield Hallam University
  • 2006: University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
  • 2006: University of California, San Diego (UCSD), USA
  • 2005: University of Cardiff
  • 2004: University of Utah, USA
  • 2003: Birmingham University
  • 2002: University of Warwick
  • 2001: Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory (TCM Seminar)
  • 2000: Loughborough University
  • 1999: EMCORE Corporation, Somerset, NJ, USA
  • 1999: Advanced Studies Institute, Princeton, USA
  • 1997: Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University
  • 1996: King’s College London
  • 1996: University of Sheffield
  • 1992: AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, USA
  • 1992: TU Munich, Germany
  • 1992: University of Kassel, Germany
  • Several seminar and colloquium talks at the Ioffe Institute, University of Utah, Heriot-Watt University, University of Exeter, ICCMP-University of Brasilia, International Institute of Physics (IIP-UFRN) – Natal, Brazil

Contributions to the Community

  • Associate Editor, SPIE Journal of Nanophotonics, July 2009 - preset

  • Member of the Program Committee of PLMCN-24 Conferece, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2024

  • Program Committee Chairman of TERAMETANANO-5 Conference, Natal, Brazil, 2022

  • Co-Director, International Workshop ‘Weyl Fermions in Condensed Matter Physics’, International Institute of Physics, Natal, Brazil, 2019

  • Program Committee Chairman, International School on Nanophotonics, Photovoltaics and Metamaterials (ISNP 2019), Varadero, Cuba, 2019

  • Member of the Program Committee of TERAMETANANO-2019 Conference, Lecce, Italy, 2019

  • Program Committee Chairman of the International Workshop on Quantum Light in Nanostructures (QLIN 2018), Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, 2018

  • Member of the International Program Committee of the 34th International Conference of the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-2018), Montpellier, France, 2018 

  • Member of the Programme Committee of the PLMCN-19 Conference, Chengdu, Ghina, 2018

  • Member of the Programme Committee of the PLMCN-18 Conference, Würzburg, Germany, 2017

  • Member of the Program Committee of the TERAMETANANO-2017 Conference, Venice, Italy, 2017

  • Member of the Program Committee of the TERAMETANANO-2016 Conference, Cartagena, Colombia, 2016

  • Programme Committee Chairman of the 6th International School on Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics, Cefalu, Sicily, 2015  

  • Member of the Programme Committee of IMMEA2015 Conference, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2015

  • Member of the Programme Committee of the International Conference on Spin-Optronics, Toulouse, France, 2013

  • Member of the Programme Committee of the 2nd International School on Spin-Optronics, St Petersburg, Russia, 2012

  • Co-chairman of the Research Workshop "Advances in Physics and Applications of Low-Dimensional Systems", International Centre for Condensed Matter Physics (ICCMP-UnB), Brasilia, Brazil, 2007

  • Member of the Programme Committee of PLMCN-7 Conference, Havana, Cuba, 2007

  • Member of the Programme Committee of the Nanomodeling II Conference at the 2006 SPIE Optics and Photonics Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2006

  • Co-chairman of the Seminar and Workshop ‘Cooperative Phenomena in Optics and Transport in Nanostructures’ at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, 2004

  • Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College, 2003 - present

  • Reviewer for funding bodies including EPSRC, Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society, European Research Council, INTAS (2003-2006), Russian Federation Government Mega Grants Program (2010-2013), DOE USA, NSERC Canada and Czech Science Foundation

  • Regular referee for  APS, AIP, ACS, EPS, IOP, SPIE, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis and Springer journals

  • External examiner for the award of PhD degrees at Cambridge University, Durham University and Loughborough University.


  • American Physical Society (APS)
  • Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics (MIFP)

Prizes, Honorary Degrees and Positions

  • Doctor Honoris Causa, Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics (MIFP), 2015
  • Honorary Visiting Professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University, since 2007
  • Prize for the Best Young Scientist's Research, A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, 1991
  • Prize of the Research Council of the A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, 1991

Current Teaching

  • PHY3062 Methods of Theoretical Physics
  • PHY3064 Nanostructure and Graphene Science

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1988 |



  • Downing CA, Portnoi ME. (2023) Quantum confinement in Dirac-like nanostructures, Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (Second Edition) Volume 2, 2024, Pages 344-349. [PDF]
  • Wild A, Mariani E, Portnoi M. (2023) Optical valley separation in two-dimensional semimetals with tilted Dirac cones, Scientific Reports, volume 13, pages 19211-1-19211-10, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-45940-4.
  • Kucherik A, Osipov A, Samyshkin V, Hartmann RR, Povolotskiy AV, Portnoi ME. (2023) Polarization-sensitive photoluminescence from aligned carbon chains terminated by gold clusters, Phys. Rev. Lett, volume 132. [PDF]
  • Ng RA, Portnoi ME, Hartmann RR. (2023) Stark effect tunable terahertz transitions in finite carbon chains. [PDF]
  • Wild A, Mariani E, Portnoi ME. (2023) Optical valley separation in two-dimensional semimetals with tilted Dirac cones, Scientific Reports, volume 13. [PDF]



  • Maksimenko SA, Maffucci A, Portnoi ME, Saroka VA, Slepyan GY. (2021) MIDDLE- AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTOR BASED ON THE PLANE COLLECTION OF GRAPHENE STRIPS, DOKLADY NATSIONALNOI AKADEMII NAUK BELARUSI, volume 65, no. 6, pages 661-667, DOI:10.29235/1561-8323-2021-65-6-661-667. [PDF]
  • Wild A, Mariani E, Portnoi ME. (2021) Optical absorption in two-dimensional materials with tilted Dirac cones, Phys. Rev. B, volume 105. [PDF]
  • Ng RA, Wild A, Portnoi ME, Hartmann RR. (2021) Mapping borophene onto graphene: Quasi-exact solutions for guiding potentials in tilted Dirac cones, Scientific Reports, volume 12. [PDF]
  • Maffucci A, Maksimenko SA, Portnoi ME, Saroka VA, Slepyan GY. (2021) A Graphene THz Detector based on Plasmon Resonances and Interband Transitions, 2021 XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), 28th Aug - 4th Sep 2021, 2021 XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), DOI:10.23919/ursigass51995.2021.9560421. [PDF]
  • Hartmann RR, Kutrovskaya S, Kucherik A, Kavokin AV, Portnoi ME. (2021) Terahertz transitions in finite carbon chains, Physical Review Research, volume 3, no. 3, pages 033202-1-033202-9, article no. 033202, DOI:10.1103/physrevresearch.3.033202. [PDF]









  • Alexeev AM. (2013) Quantum Rings In Electromagnetic Fields.
  • Alexeev AM. (2013) Quantum Rings In Electromagnetic Fields.
  • Portnoi ME, Downing CA, Hartmann RR, Shelykh IA. (2013) Excitons and interband terahertz transitions in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2013, pages 231-234, DOI:10.1109/ICEAA.2013.6632229. [PDF]
  • Alexeev AM, Shelykh IA, Portnoi ME. (2013) Aharonov-Bohm quantum rings in high-Q microcavities, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, volume 88, no. 8, article no. ARTN 085429, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.88.085429. [PDF]
  • Arnardottir KB, Kyriienko O, Portnoi ME, Shelykh IA. (2013) One-dimensional Van Hove polaritons, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 87, no. 12, pages 1-7, article no. 125408, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.87.125408.



  • Portnoi ME, Kibis OV. (2011) Terahertz processes in carbon nanotubes controlled by a magnetic field, Proceedings of International Conference NANOMEETING 2011: Physics, Chemistry and Applications of Nanostructures - Reviews and Short Notes, pages 259-262, DOI:10.1142/9789814343909_0062.
  • Downing CA, Stone DA, Portnoi ME. (2011) Zero-energy states in graphene quantum dots and rings, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 84, no. 15, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.84.155437.
  • Hartmann RR, Shelykh IA, Portnoi ME. (2011) Excitons in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 84, no. 3, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.84.035437.
  • Hartmann RR, Portnoi ME. (2011) Optoelectronic Properties of Carbon-based Nanostructures: Steering electrons in graphene by electromagnetic fields, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. [PDF]


  • Nemilentsau AM, Slepyan GY, Maksimenko SA, Kibis OV, Portnoi ME. (2010) Terahertz Radiation from Carbon Nanotubes, Nanotubes and Nanowires, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). [PDF]
  • Batrakov KG, Kibis OV, Kuzhir PP, Maksimenko SA, Rosenau Da Costa M, Portnoi ME. (2010) Mechanisms of terahertz emission from carbon nanotubes, Physica B: Condensed Matter, volume 405, no. 14, pages 3054-3056, DOI:10.1016/j.physb.2010.01.048.
  • Hartmann RR, Robinson NJ, Portnoi ME. (2010) Smooth electron waveguides in graphene, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 81, no. 24, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.245431.
  • Batrakov KG, Kibis OV, Kuzhir PP, da Costa MR, Portnoi ME. (2010) Terahertz processes in carbon nanotubes (vol 4, 041665, 2010), JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS, volume 4, article no. ARTN 040102, DOI:10.1117/1.3452318. [PDF]
  • Batrakov KG, Kibis OV, Kuzhir PP, MR DC, Portnoi ME. (2010) Terahertz processes in carbon nanotubes, J NANOPHOTONICS, volume 4, pages 1-29, article no. 041665, DOI:10.1117/1.3436585. [PDF]











  • Portnoi ME, Galbraith I. (1999) Ionization degree of the electron-hole plasma in semiconductor quantum wells, PHYS REV B, volume 60, no. 8, pages 5570-5581.



  • Portnoi ME, Galbraith I. (1997) Variable-phase method and Levinson's theorem in two dimensions: Application to a screened Coulomb potential, SOLID STATE COMMUN, volume 103, no. 6, pages 325-329.





  • Avrutin EA, Chebunina IE, Eliachevitch IA, Gurevich SA, Portnoi ME, Shtengel GE. (1993) TE and TM optical gains in AlGaAs/GaAs single-quantum-well lasers, Semiconductor Science and Technology, volume 8, no. 1, pages 80-87, DOI:10.1088/0268-1242/8/1/013.
  • RASHBA EI, PORTNOI ME. (1993) 3-PARTICLE ANYON EXCITONS, JETP LETTERS, volume 57, no. 11, pages 733-738. [PDF]
  • Rashba EI, Portnoi ME. (1993) Anyon excitons, Phys Rev Lett, volume 70, no. 21, pages 3315-3318, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.70.3315. [PDF]




  • Merkulov IA, Perel VI, Portnoi ME. (1991) Theory of optical orientation and alignment in quantum wells, Superlattices and Microstructures, volume 10, no. 3, pages 371-374, DOI:10.1016/0749-6036(91)90344-Q.




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Further information

Selected publications

Selected publications by M. E. Portnoi

For the fuller list and citation analysis see Google Scholar Citations [Link]

[112] R.R.Hartmann, S.Kutrovskaya, A.Kucherik, A.V.Kavokin, and M.E.Portnoi “Terahertz transitions in finite carbon chains”, Phys. Rev. Research 3 (3), 033202 (2021). [Link] [pdf]

[111] R.R.Hartmann, M.E.Portnoi “Guided modes and terahertz transitions for two-dimensional Dirac fermions in a smooth double-well potential”, Phys. Rev. A 102 (5), 052229 (2020). [Link] [pdf]

[110] R.R.Hartmann, M.E.Portnoi “Bipolar electron waveguides in graphene”, Phys. Rev. B 102 (15), 155421 (2020). [Link] [pdf]

[109] S.Kutrovskaya, A.Osipov, S.Baryshev, A.Zasedatelev, V.Samyshkin, S.Demirchyan, O.Pulci, D.Grassano, L.Gontrani, R.R.Hartmann, M.E.Portnoi, A.Kucherik, P.G.Lagoudakis, and A.Kavokin “Excitonic fine structure in the emission of linear carbon chains”, Nano Letters 20 (9), pp. 6502-6509 (2020). [Link] [pdf] [Supporting info]

[108] R.G.Polozkov, N.Y.Senkevich, S.Morina, P.Kuzhir, M.E.Portnoi, and I.A.Shelykh "Carbon nanotube array as a van der Waals two-dimensional hyperbolic material" Physical Review B 100 (23), 235401 (2019). [Link] [pdf]

[107] T.P.Collier and M.E.Portnoi "Double-gated nanohelix as a novel tunable binary superlattice", Nanoscale Research Letters 14, 257 (2019). [Link] [pdf]

[106] C.A.Downing and M.E.Portnoi "Trapping charge carriers in low-dimensional Dirac materials", International Journal of Nanoscience 18, 194001 (2019). [Link] [pdf]

[105] C.A.Downing and M.E.Portnoi "Zero-Energy Vortices in Dirac Materials", Phys. Status Solidi B 256, 1800584 (2019). [Link] [pdf]

[104] R.R.Hartmann, V.A.Saroka, and M.E.Portnoi "Interband transitions in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons" J. Appl. Phys 125 (15), 124303 (2019). [Link] [pdf]

[103] V.A.Shahnazaryan, V.A.Saroka, I.A.Shelykh, W.L.Barnes, and M.E.Portnoi "Strong light-matter coupling in carbon nanotubes as a route to exciton brightening", ACS Photonics 6 (4) 904-914 (2019) [Link] [pdf]

[102] V.A.Saroka, R.R.Hartmann, and M.E.Portnoi "Terahertz transitions in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons" Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1092, 012121 (2018). [Link] [pdf]

[101] N.Yu.Senkevich, R.G.Polozkov, S.Morina, E.D.Cherotchenko, M.E.Portnoi, and I.A.Shelykh "Ab-initio study of electronic properties of a two-dimensional array of carbon nanotubes" Journal of Physics: Conf. SeriesCarbon nanotube array as a van der Waals two-dimensional hyperbolic material 1092, 012120 (2018). [Link] [pdf]

[100] V.A.Saroka, A.L.Pushkarchuk, S.A.Kuten, and M.E.Portnoi "Hidden correlation between absorption peaks in achiral carbon nanotubes and nanoribbons" J. Saudi Chem. Soc. 22 (8), 985 (2018). [Link] [pdf]

[99] T.P.Collier, A.M.Alexeev, C.A.Downing, O.V.Kibis, and M.E.Portnoi "Terahertz optoelectronics of quantum rings and nanohelices" Semiconductors 52 (14), 1813 (2018). [Link] [pdf]

[98] A.M.Alexeev and M.E.Portnoi "Quantum rings in electromagnetic fields" in Physics of Quantum Rings (Second Edition), NanoScience and Technology, edited by V.M.Fomin (Springer, Cham, 2018), Chapter 13, pp. 347-409. [Link][pdf]

[97] H.Abdelsalam, V.A.Saroka, I. Lukyanchuk, and M.E.Portnoi "Multilayer phosphorene quantum dots in an electric field: Energy levels and optical absorption" J. Appl. Phys. 124 (12), 124303 (2018). [Link] [pdf]

[96] T.P.Collier, V.A.Saroka, and M.E.Portnoi "Tuning terahertz transitions in a double-gated quantum ring" Physical Review B 96 (23), 235430 (2017). [Link] [pdf]

[95] C.A.Downing and M.E.Portnoi "Bielectron vortices in two-dimensional Dirac semimetals" Nature Communications 8, 897 (2017). [Link] [pdf]

[94] R.R.Hartmann and M.E.Portnoi "Two-dimensional Dirac particles in a Pöschl-Teller waveguide" Scientific Reports 7, 11599 (2017). [Link] [pdf]

[93] V.A.Saroka, I. Lukyanchuk, M.E.Portnoi, and H.Abdelsalam "Electro-optical properties of phosphorene quantum dots" Physical Review B 96 (15), 085436 (2017). [Link] [pdf]

[92] C.A.Downing and M.E.Portnoi "Localization of massless Dirac particles via spatial modulations of the Fermi velocity", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 315301 (2017). [Link to the published version] [arXiv version][Author's final version]

[91] R.R.Hartmann and M.E.Portnoi "Pair states in one-dimensional Dirac systems" Physical Review A 95 (6), 062110 (2017). [Link] [pdf]

[90] V.A.Saroka, M.V.Shuba, and M.E.Portnoi "Optical selection rules of zigzag graphene nanoribbons" Physical Review B 95 (15), 155438 (2017). [Link] [pdf]

[89] G.Slepyan, A.Boag, V.Mordachev, E.Sinkevich, S.Maksimenko, P.Kuzhir, G.Miano, M.E.Portnoi, and A.Mafucci "Anomalous electromagnetic coupling via entanglement at the nanoscale" New Journal of Physics 19, 023014 (2017). [Link] [pdf]

[88] C.A.Downing and M.E.Portnoi "Massless Dirac fermions in two dimensions: Confinement in nonuniform magnetic fields" Physical Review B 94 (16), 165407 (2016). [Link] [pdf]

[87] C.A.Downing, M.G.Robinson, and M.E.Portnoi "Nanohelices as superlattices: Bloch oscillations and electric dipole transitions", Phys. Rev. B 94 (15), 155306 (2016). [Link] [pdf]

[86] C.A.Downing and M.E.Portnoi "Magnetic quantum dots and rings in two dimensions", Phys. Rev. B 94 (4), 045430 (2016). [Link] [pdf]

[85] H.Abdelsalam, M.H.Talaat, I.Lukyanchuk, M.E.Portnoi, and V.A.Saroka "Electro-absorption of silicene and bilayer graphene quantum dots", J. Appl. Phys. 120 (1), 014304 (2016). [Link] [pdf]

[84] A.Maffucci, S.Maksimenko, and M.E.Portnoi "Carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons for terahertz applications", in Fundamental and Applied Nano-Electromagnetics, edited by A.Maffucci and S.A.Maksimenko, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B - Physics and Biophysics (Springer, Dordrecht, 2016), Chapter 6, pp. 103-123. [Link]

[83] C.A.Downing, M.G.Robinson, and M.E.Portnoi "Elelctromagnetic properties of nanohelices", in Fundamental and Applied Nano-Electromagnetics, edited by A.Maffucci and S.A.Maksimenko, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B - Physics and Biophysics (Springer, Dordrecht, 2016), Chapter 2, pp. 27-44. [Link]

[82] R.R.Hartmann and M.E.Portnoi "Exciton states in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes", AIP Conference Proceedings 1705, 020046 (2016). [Link] [pdf]

[81] G.Ya.Slepyan, A.Boag, V.Mordachev, E.Sinkevich, S.Maksimenko, P.Kuzhir, G.Miano, M.E.Portnoi, and A.Maffucci "Nanoscale Electromagnetic Compatibility: Quantum Coupling and Matching in Nanocircuits", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 57 (6), 1645-1654 (2015). [Link] [pdf]

[80] A.M.Alexeev, R.R.Hartmann, and M.E.Portnoi "Two-phonon scattering in graphene in the quantum Hall regime", Phys. Rev. B 92 (19), 195431 (2015). [Link] [pdf]

[79] C.A.Downing, A.R.Pearce, R.J.Churchill, and M.E.Portnoi "Optimal traps in graphene", Phys. Rev. B 92 (16), 165401 (2015). [Link] [pdf]

[78] R.R.Hartmann and M.E.Portnoi "Terahertz transitions in quasi-metallic carbon nanotubes", IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 79, 012014 (2015). [Link] [pdf]

[77] C.A.Downing and M.E.Portnoi "One-dimensional Coulomb problem in Dirac materials", Phys. Rev. A 90 (5), 052116 (2014). [Link] [pdf]

[76] R.R.Hartmann, J. Kono, and M.E.Portnoi "Terahertz science and technology of carbon nanomaterials", Nanotechnology 25, 322001 (2014). [Link to the published version] [arXiv version] [Author's final version]

[75] R.R.Hartmann and M.E.Portnoi "Quasi-exact solution to the Dirac equation for the hyperbolic-secant potential", Phys. Rev. A 89 (1), 012101 (2014). [Link] [pdf]

[74] A.M.Alexeev, I.A.Shelykh, and M.E.Portnoi "Aharonov-Bohm quantum rings in high-Q microcavities", Phys. Rev. B 88 (8), 085429 (2013). [Link] [pdf]

[73] K.B.Arnardottir, O.Kyriienko, M.E.Portnoi, and I.A.Shelykh "One-dimensional Van Hove polaritons", Phys. Rev. B 87 (12), 125408 (2013). [Link] [pdf]

[72] D.A.Stone, C.A.Downing, and M.E.Portnoi "Searching for confined modes in graphene channels: The variable phase method", Phys. Rev. B 86 (7), 075464 (2012). [Link] [pdf]

[71] A.M.Alexeev and M.E.Portnoi "Electric dipole moment oscillations in Aharonov-Bohm quantum rings", Phys. Rev. B 85 (24), 245419 (2012). [Link] [pdf]

[70] A.M.Alexeev and M.E.Portnoi "Terahertz transitions in Aharonov-Bohm quantum rings in an external electric field", Phys. Status Solidi C 9 (5), 1309-1314 (2012).

[69] C.A.Downing, D.A.Stone, and M.E.Portnoi "Zero-energy states in graphene quantum dots and rings", Phys. Rev. B 84 (15), 155437 (2011). [Link] [pdf]

[68] R.R.Hartmann, I.A.Shelykh, and M.E.Portnoi "Excitons in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes", Phys. Rev. B 84 (3), 035437 (2011). [Link] [pdf]

[67] R.R.Hartmann and M.E.Portnoi, Optoelectronic Properties of Carbon-based Nanostructures: Steering electrons in graphene by electromagnetic fields (LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2011), ISBN-10: 3844328580; ISBN-13: 978-3844328585. [Link] [pdf]

[66] A.M.Nemilentsau, G.Ya.Slepyan, S.A.Maksimenko, O.V.Kibis, and M.E.Portnoi "Terahertz radiation from carbon nanotubes" in The Handbook of Nanophysics, Vol. 4: Nanotubes and Nanowires, edited by K.D.Sattler (CRC Press, New York, 2010), Chapter 5, pp. 5.1-5.16. [Link] [pdf]

[65] R.R.Hartmann, N.J.Robinson, and M.E.Portnoi "Smooth electron waveguides in graphene", Phys. Rev. B 81 (24), 245431 (2010). [Link] [pdf]

[64] K.G.Batrakov, O.V.Kibis, P.P.Kuzhir, S.A.Maksimenko, M.Rosenau da Costa, and M.E.Portnoi "Mechanisms of terahertz emission from carbon nanotubes", Physica B 405 (14), 3054-3056 (2010). 

[63] K.G.Batrakov, O.V.Kibis, P.P.Kuzhir, M.Rosenau da Costa, and M.E.Portnoi "Terahertz processes in carbon nanotubes", Journal of Nanophotonics 4, 041665 (2010). [Link] [pdf]

[62] M.E.Portnoi, M.Rosenau da Costa, O.V.Kibis, and I.A.Shelykh "Magnetically controlled THz absorption and emission in carbon nanotubes", International Journal of Modern Physics B 23(12/13), 2846-2850 (2009). [Link] [pdf]

[61] M. Rosenau da Costa, O.V. Kibis, and M.E. Portnoi "Carbon nanotubes as a basis for terahertz emitters and detectors", Microelectronics J. 40(4-5), 776-778 (2009).

[60] A.M.Fischer, V.L. Campo, Jr., M.E.Portnoi, and R.A.Roemer "Exciton storage in a nanoscale Aharonov-Bohm ring with electric field tuning", Phys. Rev. Lett. 102(9), 096405 (2009). [Link] [pdf]

[59] M.E.Portnoi, O.V.Kibis, M.Rosenau da Costa "Prospective terahertz applications of carbon nanotubes", in Smart Materials for Energy Communications and Security edited by I.A.Luk'yanchuk and D. Messane, (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B - Physics and Biophysics, Springer, Dodrecht, 2008), pp. 81-93.

[58] H.Ouerdane, R.Varache, M.E.Portnoi and I.Galbraith "Photon emission induced by elastic exciton-carrier scattering in semiconductor quantum wells", Eur. Phys. J. B 65(2), pp. 195-206 (2008). [Link] [pdf]

[57] K.V.Kavokin and M.E.Portnoi "Spin-orbit terms in multi-subband electron systems: A bridge between bulk and two-dimensional Hamiltonians", Semiconductors 42 (8), pp. 989-993 (2008). [Link] [pdf]

[56] V.V.Nikolaev and M.E.Portnoi "Theory of excitonic Mott transition in quasi-two-dimensional systems", Superlattices and Microstructures 43(5-6), pp. 460-464 (2008). [Link] [pdf]

[55] M.E.Portnoi, O.V.Kibis, M.Rosenau da Costa "Terahertz applications of carbon nanotubes", Superlattices and Microstructures 43(5-6), pp. 399-407 (2008). [Link] [pdf]

[54] O.V.Kibis and M.E.Portnoi "Superlattice properties of semiconductor nanohelices in a transverse electric field", Physica E 40(6), pp. 1899-1901 (2008).

[53] O.V.Kibis, M.Rosenau da Costa, and M.E.Portnoi "Carbon nanotubes as a basis for novel terahertz devices", Physica E 40(5), pp.1766-1768 (2008). 

[52] O.V.Kibis, M. Rosenau da Costa and M.E.Portnoi "Generation of terahertz radiation by hot electrons in carbon nanotubes", Nano Letters 7 (11), 3414-3417 (2007). [Link] [pdf]

[51] O.V.Kibis and M.E.Portnoi "Semiconductor nanohelix in electric field: A superlattice of the new type", Tech. Phys. Lett. 33 (10), pp. 878-880 (2007).

[50] V.V.Kruglyak, M.E.Portnoi and R.J.Hicken "Use of the Faraday optical transformer for ultrafast magnetization reversal of nanomagnets", Journal of Nanophotonics 1 (1), 013502 (2007).

[49] V.N.Golovach and M.E.Portnoi "Electron-phonon scattering at the intersection of two Landau levels", Phys. Rev. B 74 (8), 085321 (2006). [Link] [pdf]

[48] V.V.Kruglyak, M.E.Portnoi and R.J.Hicken "Generation of femtosecond electromagnetic pulses at the nanoscale", Proc. SPIE 6328, 63280K (2006).

[47] M.E.Portnoi, O.V.Kibis and M. Rosenau da Costa "Terahertz emitters and detectors based on carbon nanotubes", Proc. SPIE 6328, 632805 (2006).

[46] V.V.Kruglyak and M.E.Portnoi "Generation of femtosecond current pulses using the inverse magneto-optical Faraday effect", Tech. Phys. Lett. 31 (12), pp. 1047-1048 (2005).

[45] O.V.Kibis and M.E.Portnoi "Carbon nanotubes: A new type of emitter in the terahertz range", Tech. Phys. Lett. 31(8), pp. 671-672 (2005).

[44] O.V.Kibis, S.V.Malevannyy, L. Huggett, D.G.W.Parfitt, M.E.Portnoi "Superlattice properties of helical nanostructures in a transverse electric field", Electromagnetics 25(5), pp. 425-435 (2005). [Link] [pdf]

[43] K.V.Kavokin, M.E.Portnoi, A.J.Matthews, A.Usher, J.Gething, D.A.Ritchie, M.Y.Simmons "Induced currents, frozen charges and the quantum Hall effect breakdown", Solid State Commun. 134, pp. 257-259 (2005).

[42] O.V.Kibis, D.G.W.Parfitt, and M.E.Portnoi "Superlattice properties of carbon nanotubes in a transverse electric field", Phys. Rev. B 71(3), 035411 (2005). [Link] [pdf]

[41] A.J.Matthews, K.V.Kavokin, A.Usher, M.E.Portnoi, M.Zhu, J.D.Gething, M.Elliot, W.G.Herrenden-Harker, K.Phillips, D.A.Ritchie, M.B.Simmons, C.B.Sorensen, O.P.Hansen, O.A.Mironov, M.Myronov, D.R.Leadley, and M.Henini "Temperature dependence of the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect studied by induced currents", Phys. Rev. B 70(7), 075317 (2004). [Link] [pdf]

[40] V.V.Nikolaev and M.E.Portnoi "Mott transition of spatially indirect excitons", Proc. SPIE 5509, pp. 187-193 (2004).

[39] O.V.Kibis, L. Hugget, D.G.W.Parfitt and M.E.Portnoi "Superlattice behaviour of carbon nanotubes in a transverse electric field", Proc. SPIE 5509, pp. 138-144 (2004).

[38] D.G.W.Parfitt and M.E.Portnoi "Exactly-solvable problems for two-dimensional excitons" in Mathematical Physics Frontiers, edited by C.V.Benton (Nova Science Publishers, NY, 2004), pp. 1-66. [Link]

[37] D.G.W.Parfitt and M.E.Portnoi "Exact solutions for a few-particle exciton in the fractional quantum Hall regime", phys. stat. sol. (c) 1 (6), pp. 1363-1366 (2004).

[36] V.V.Nikolaev and M.E.Portnoi "Theory of excitonic Mott transition in double quantum wells", phys. stat. sol. (c) 1(6), pp. 1357-1362 (2004). 

[35] A.J. Matthews, K.V.Kavokin, A.Usher, M.E.Portnoi, M.Zhu, J.D.Gething, M.Elliot, W.G.Herrenden-Harker, K.Phillips, D.A.Ritchie, M.B.Simmons, C.B.Sorensen, O.P.Hansen, O.A.Mironov, M.Myronov, D.R.Leadley, and M.Henini "Temperature-dependent high-current breakdown of the quantum Hall effect", Physica E 22, pp. 201-204 (2004).

[34] D.G.W.Parfitt and M.E.Portnoi "Few-particle anyon exciton: Exact solutions", Int. J. Nanoscience 2 (6), pp. 461-468 (2003).

[33] D.G.W.Parfitt and M.E.Portnoi "Anyon exciton revisited: Exact solutions for a few-particle system", Phys. Rev. B 68, 035306 (2003). [Link] [pdf]

[32] V.M.Apalkov and M.E.Portnoi "Phonon-assisted recombination of intra-subband magnetoexcitons and two-phonon dissociation of magnetorotons in the quantum Hall regime", Physica E 17C, pp. 217-219 (2003).

[31] D.G.W.Parfitt and M.E.Portnoi "Two-dimensional exciton revisited", Physica E 17C, pp. 212-214 (2003).

[30] D.G.W. Parfitt and M.E.Portnoi "Two-dimensional exciton: Unexpected beauty", phys. stat. sol. (a) 195, pp. 596-599 (2003).

[29] V.M.Apalkov and M.E.Portnoi "Two-subband system in quantizing magnetic field: Probing many-body gap by non-equilibrium phonons", Physica E 15, pp. 202-210 (2002).

[28] D.G.W.Parfitt and M.E.Portnoi "The two-dimensional hydrogen atom revisited", Journal of Mathematical Physics 43(10), 4681-4691 (2002). [Link] [pdf]

[27] V.M.Apalkov and M.E.Portnoi "Two-phonon scattering of magnetorotons in fractional quantum Hall liquids", Phys. Rev. B 66 (12), 121303(R) (2002). [Link] [pdf]

[26] V.M.Apalkov and M.E.Portnoi "Phonon-assisted luminescence of magnetoexcitons in semiconductor quantum wells", phys. stat. sol. (a) 190, pp. 661-665 (2002).

[25] V.V.Nikolaev and M.E.Portnoi "Statistical mechanics of screened spatially indirect excitons", phys. stat. sol. (a) 190, pp. 655-660 (2002).

[24] V.M.Apalkov and M.E.Portnoi "Tuning gaps and phases of a two-subband system in a quantizing magnetic field", Phys. Rev. B 65(12), 125310 (2002). [Link] [pdf]

[23] V.V.Nikolaev and M.E.Portnoi "Optical nonlinearities in a microcavity with InGaN quantum wells: Self-assembled quantum dots approach", phys. stat. sol. (a) 190, pp. 193-198 (2002).

[22] V.V.Nikolaev and M.E.Portnoi "Ionization degree of electron-hole plasma in GaN/AlGaN quantum wells with strong internal electric fields", phys. stat. sol. (a) 190, pp. 113-119 (2002).

[21] V.M.Apalkov and M.E.Portnoi "Electron-phonon interaction in a two-subband quasi-2D system in a quantizing magnetic field", Physica E 12, pp. 470-473 (2002).

[20] V.V.Nikolaev, M.E.Portnoi, and I.Eliashevich "Photon recycling white light emitting diode based on InGaN multiple quantum well heterostructure", phys. stat. sol. (a) 183, pp.177-182 (2001).

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[16] M.E.Portnoi and I.Galbraith "Screened excitons in wide-gap semiconductors and quantum wells", Journal of Crystal Growth 184/185, pp.676-681 (1998).

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[13] M.E.Portnoi and E.I.Rashba "Four-Particle Two-Dimensional Magnetoexciton", Il Nuovo Cimento 17D, pp. 1669-1673 (1995).

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[11] E.I.Rashba, V.M.Apalkov, and M.E.Portnoi "Spectroscopy of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Manifestation of Fractional Charges", Journal of Luminescence 60&61, pp.782-785 (1994).

[10] E.I.Rashba and M.E.Portnoi "Three-Particle Anyon Excitons", JETP Lett. 57(11), pp.733-738 (1993).

[9] E.I.Rashba and M.E.Portnoi "Anyon Excitons", Phys. Rev. Lett. 70(21), pp.3315-3318 (1993). [Link] [pdf]

[8] M.E.Portnoi "Depolarization of the photoluminescence as a result of emission of optical phonons by hot electrons in quantum wells", Semiconductors 27 (3), pp.294-295 (1993). 

[7] E.A.Avrutin, I.E.Chebunina, I.A.Eliashevich, S.A.Gurevich, M.E.Portnoi, and G.E.Shtengel "TE and TM Optical Gains in AlGaAs/GaAs Single-Quantum-Well Lasers", Semiconductor Science and Technology 8 (1), pp.80-87 (1993). [pdf]

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[1] M.E.Portnoi "Scattering of two-dimensional particles by a short-range potential", Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 14(7), pp.547-548 (1988) [Cite as Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 14 1252 (1988)]. [pdf]

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