Dr Maria Zamyatina
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Physics and Astronomy
I am an atmospheric chemist with a background in meteorology. I studied meteorology at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (2009-2014) and did a MSc in Climate Change at the University of East Anglia (2014-2015). I stayed at the University of East Anglia to do my PhD (2015-2020), where I explored the global and localised impacts of the chemistry of a group of important reservoirs of reactive nitrogen, alkyl nitrates, on the composition of the Earth’s troposphere. I worked with a global 3D chemistry-climate model UM-UKCA, implementing new alkyl nitrate chemistry and oceanic and biomass burning emissions and validating the model against aircraft observations from the Atmospheric Tomography mission. As a postdoc, I investigate the chemical composition of hydrogen dominated gas giant exoplanets, with a focus on high altitudes, where photodissociation and photoionisation determine the atmospheric composition of such exoplanets.