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Physics and Astronomy

Photo of Mr Peter Savage

Mr Peter Savage

Research Technician CDT (Metamaterials)

 (Streatham) 6519

 01392 726519


University of Exeter
Imperial College London
Medical University of South Carolina

[2016-Present] Research Technician (Workshop)
[2014 - 2016] Project Engineer
[2004 - 2014] Design Engineer
[2002 - 2003] Software Engineer
[1999 - 2001] Design Engineer
[1998 - 1999] Research Technician (Materials testing lab)
[1992 - 1998] Research Technician (Adhesives lab)
[1988 - 1992] Workshop Technician Apprentice

Rutherford Appleton Laboratories: FETS, MICE

MSc in Information Processing
BEng(Hons) in Mechanical Engineering

Programming: C, Java
CAD: AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, SoildWorks
Instron tensile and fatigue testing

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |


  • Gibson SM, Boorman G, Bosco A, Kruchinin K, Hofmann T, Roncarolo F, Pozimski JK, Savage P, Gabor C, Letchford A. (2014) A fibre coupled, low power laserwire emittance scanner at CERN LINAC4, IPAC 2014: Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 3725-3728.
  • Alsari S, Pozimski JK, Savage P, Aslaninejad M, Letchford AP, Dudman M. (2014) RF delivery system for fets, IPAC 2014: Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 3902-3904.
  • Aslaninejad M, Pozimski J, Savage P, Clarke-Gayther MA, Letchford A, Plostinar C, Robert Lawrie S. (2014) Lattice and component design for the front end test stand MEBT at RAL, IPAC 2014: Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 1205-1207.
  • Jolly S, Easton M, Lawrie S, Letchford A, Pozimski J, Savage P. (2014) Novel integrated design framework for radio frequency quadrupoles, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, volume 735, pages 240-259, DOI:10.1016/j.nima.2013.08.072. [PDF]


  • Aslaninejad JM, Pozimski J, Savage P. (2013) Mebt design for the front end test stand project at RAL, IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 3969-3971.
  • Gabor C, Letchford AP, Bosco A, Boorman G, Gibson SM, Savage P, Scarpine V. (2013) Status report of the fets photo detachment emittance instrumentat ral, IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 783-785.
  • Savage P, Aslaninejad M, Pozimski J, Garbayo A, Dudman M, Letchford A, Wilsher D. (2013) Production of the fets RFQ, IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 3726-3728.
  • Letchford A, Clarke-Gayther M, Faircloth D, Lawrie S, Alsari S, Aslaninejad M, Savage P, Pozimski J, Boorman G, Bosco A. (2013) Status of the ral front end test stand, IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 3963-3965.
  • Alsari S, Pozimski JK, Savage P, Letchford AP, Dudman M. (2013) FETS RF system design and circulator testing, IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 2851-2853.
  • Pozimski J, Savage P, Alsari S, Letchford A, Faircloth D. (2013) Investigation of space charge compensation at fets, IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 3723-3725.
  • Bosco A, Boorman G, Emery S, Gibson SM, Pozimski JK, Savage P, Letchford AP, Gabor C, Hofmann T. (2013) Description of laser transport and delivery system for the FETS laserwire emittance scanner, IBIC 2013: Proceedings of the 2nd International Beam Instrumentation Conference, pages 527-530.
  • Gibson SM, Boorman G, Bosco A, Gabor C, Letchford AP, Pozimski J, Savage P, Hofmann T. (2013) Overview of laserwire beam profile and emittance measurements for high power proton accelerators, IBIC 2013: Proceedings of the 2nd International Beam Instrumentation Conference, pages 531-534.


  • Bustinduy I, Mũnoz JL, Madariaga I, V́elez A, Gonźalez O, Gonźalez P, De Cos D, Feuchtwanger J, Ghiglino A, Sordo F. (2012) Design and fabrication of the ess-bilbao rfq prototype models, IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, pages 3228-3230.
  • Pozimski J, Savage P, Alsari S, Letchford A, Faircloth D. (2012) Investigation of space charge compensation at fets, IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, pages 445-447.
  • Savage P, Pozimski J, Garbayo A, Letchford A, Wilsher D. (2012) The manufacture and assembly of the FETS RFQ, IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, pages 3862-3864.
  • Letchford A, Clarke-Gayther M, Faircloth D, Lawrie S, Gabor C, Plostinar C, Garbayo A, Alsari S, Aslaninejad M, Kurup A. (2012) Status of the RAL front end test stand, IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, pages 3856-3858.


  • Ainsworth R, Boorman G, Lyapin A, Molloy S, Garbayo A, Savage P, Letchford AP, Gabor C. (2011) Bead-pull test bench for studying accelerating structures at RHUL, IPAC 2011 - 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 187-189.
  • Lawrie S, Letchford A, Pozimski J, Savage P. (2011) Simulations to flatten the field of the FETS RFQ, IPAC 2011 - 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 223-225.


  • Bustinduy I, De Cos D, Feuchtwanger J, Munoz JL, Bermejo FJ, Lawrie S, Faircloth D, Letchford A, Pozimski J, Jolly S. (2010) First LEBT simulations for the Bilbao Accelerator ion source test stand, HB 2010 - 46th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, pages 595-599.
  • Gabor C, Boorman GE, Bosco A, Pozimski JK, Savage P, Letchford AP. (2010) Status report of the ral photo-detachment beam profile monitor, HB 2010 - 46th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, pages 492-496.
  • Savage P, Alsari S, Jolly S, Pozimski JK, Lawrie S, Letchford AP, Wise P. (2010) The mechanical engineering design of the FETS RFQ, IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 810-812.
  • Back J, Pozimski J, Savage P, Faircloth D, Gabor C, Lawrie S, Letchford A, Bermejo J, Lucas J, Alonso J. (2010) Commissioning of the low energy beam transport of the front end test stand, IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 648-650.
  • De Cos D, Bustinduy I, Feuchtwanger J, Garmendia N, Hassanadezagan H, Letchford A, Jolly S, Savage P, Pozimski J, Bermejo FJ. (2010) Beam dynamic studies on the radio-frequency quadrupole for the Bilbao accelerator, IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 4214-4216.
  • Lawrie S, Letchford A, Pozimski J, Savage P. (2010) Combined electromagnetic-thermal-structural simulation of the four-metre radio frequency quadrupole to be installed on the front end test stand, IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 816-818.
  • Letchford A, Clarke-Gayther MA, Faircloth D, Lawrie SR, Perkins M, Wise P, Kurup A, Alsari S, Jolly S, Lee DA. (2010) Status of the RAL front end test stand, IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 642-644.
  • Alsari S, Pozimski JK, Savage P, Zorba O, Letchford AP. (2010) A tuning system for the FETS RFQ, IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 651-653.
  • Ellis M, Hobson PR, Kyberd P, Nebrensky JJ, Bross A, Fagan J, Fitzpatrick T, Flores R, Kubinski R, Krider J. (2010) The design, construction and performance of the MICE scintillating fibre trackers. [PDF]
  • Faircloth DC, Lawrie S, Letchford AP, Gabor C, Wise P, Whitehead M, Wood T, Westall M, Findlay D, Perkins M. (2010) The front end test stand high performance H- ion source at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, volume 81, no. 2, DOI:10.1063/1.3271169. [PDF]


  • Lee DA, Savage P, Pozimski J, Gabor C. (2009) Status of the laser-based beam profile instrument for the RAL Front End Test Stand, DIPAC 2009 - 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, pages 393-395.
  • Letchford AP, Clarke-Gayther MA, Faircloth DC, Findlay DJS, Lawrie SR, Romano P, Wise P, Bermejo FJ, Lucas J, Alonso J. (2009) Status of the ral front end test stand, Proceedings of the 24th Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC 2008, pages 70-72.
  • Faircloth DC, Lawrie S, Letchford AP, Gabor C, Wise P, Whitehead M, Wood T, Perkins M, Bates M, Savage PJ. (2009) Commissioning the Front End Test Stand High Performance H- Ion Source at RAL, NEGATIVE IONS, BEAMS AND SOURCES, volume 1097, pages 243-+. [PDF]


  • Jolly S, Kurup A, Lee D, Savage P, Pozimski J, Letchford A, Cheng Y. (2008) Detailed study of the RF properties of the FETs RFQ COLD model, EPAC 2008 - Contributions to the Proceedings, pages 3422-3424.
  • Faircloth DC, Letchford AP, Wise P, Lawrie SR, Gabor C, Perkins M, Bates M, Whitehead MO, Wood TW, Westall ME. (2008) Installation of the front end test stand high performance H- ion source at RAL, EPAC 2008 - Contributions to the Proceedings, pages 412-414.
  • Wood T, Faircloth DC, Letchford AP, Gabor C, Whitehead MO, Jolly S, Pozimski J, Savage P, Woods M. (2008) Understanding extraction and beam transport in the ISIS H(-) Penning surface plasma ion source, Rev Sci Instrum, volume 79, no. 2 Pt 2, DOI:10.1063/1.2821506. [PDF]
  • Letchford AP, Clarke-Gayther MA, Faircloth DC, Findlay DJS, Lawrie SR, Romano P, Wise P, Bermejo FJ, Lucas J, Alonso J. (2008) Status of the ral front end test stand, EPAC 2008 - Contributions to the Proceedings, pages 3437-3439.
  • Alves AAJ, Andrade Filho LM, Barbosa AF, Bediaga I, Cernicchiaro G, Guerrer G, Lima HPJ, Machado AA, Magnin J, Marujo F. (2008) The LHCb Detector at the LHC, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, volume 3, article no. ARTN S08005, DOI:10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/S08005. [PDF]


  • Letchford A, Faircloth D, Daly A, Clarke-Gayther MA, Plostinar C, Gabor C, Yi AC, Jolly S, Kurup A, Savage P. (2007) Status report on the RAL front end test stand, Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 1634-1636, DOI:10.1109/PAC.2007.4440847.
  • Jolly S, Lee D, Pozimski J, Savage P, Faircloth D, Gabor C. (2007) Beam diagnostics for the Front End Test Stand at RAL, 8th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, DIPAC 2007, pages 218-220.
  • Lee DA, Pozimski JK, Gabor C, Savage P. (2007) A laserwire beam profile measuring device for the ral Front End Test Stand, 8th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, DIPAC 2007, pages 81-83.
  • Cheng Y, Savage P, Kurup A, Pozimski J, Letchford A. (2007) RFQ cold model RF measurements and waveguide-to-coaxial line transition design for the front-end test stand at RAL, Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, pages 1655-1657, DOI:10.1109/PAC.2007.4440854.
  • Cheng Y, Savage P, Kurup A, Pozimski J, Letchford A. (2007) RFQ cold model RF measurements and waveguide-to-coaxial line transition design for the front-end test stand at RAL, 2007 IEEE PARTICLE ACCELERATOR CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-11, pages 2876-+. [PDF]
  • Letchford A, Faircloth D, Daly A, Clarke-Gayther MA, Plostinar C, Gabor C, Cheng YA, Jolly S, Kurup A, Savage P. (2007) Status report on the RAL Front End Test Stand, 2007 IEEE PARTICLE ACCELERATOR CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-11, pages 2855-+. [PDF]
  • Faircloth DC, Letchford AP, Pozimski J, Whitehead MO, Wood T, Jolly S, Savage P, Haigh M, Morrison J, Yew I. (2007) The ISIS penning H-SPS and diagnostic developments at RAL, PRODUCTION AND NEUTRALIZATION OF NEGATIVE IONS AND BEAMS, volume 925, pages 71-+. [PDF]


  • Attwood D, Bell P, Bull S, McMahon T, Wilson J, Fernow R, Gruber P, Jamdagni A, Long K, McKigney E. (2006) The scattering of muons in low-Z materials, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, volume 251, no. 1, pages 41-55, DOI:10.1016/j.nimb.2006.05.006.
  • Letchford A, Savage P, Pozimski J, Cheng YA. (2006) Mechanical design and RF measurement on RFQ for front-end test stand at RAL, EPAC 2006 - Contributions to the Proceedings, pages 318-320.
  • Jolly S, Pozimski J, Savage P, Faircloth D, Letchford A, Back J. (2006) LEBT simulations and ion source beam measurements for the Front End Test Stand (FETS), EPAC 2006 - Contributions to the Proceedings, pages 1714-1716.
  • Letchford AP, Faircloth DC, Clarke-Gayther MA, Plostinar DC, Cheng YA, Jolly S, Kurup A, Savage PJ, Pozimski JK, Back JJ. (2006) The RAL front end test stand, EPAC 2006 - Contributions to the Proceedings, pages 303-305.
  • Back JJ, Bellodi G, Clarke-Gayther MA, Faircloth DC, Gerigk F, Jolly S, Kurup A, Letchford AP, Pozimski J, Savage PJ. (2006) Progress at the RAL Front End Test Stand, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, volume 155, pages 309-311, DOI:10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2006.02.085. [PDF]

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