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Photo of Dr Matt Eames

Dr Matt Eames

Senior Lecturer

 (Streatham) 4551 or (Streatham) 4144

 01392 724551 or 01392 724144


Dr Matt Eames is a senior lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and Senior Tutor for Engineering. His research focuses on energy use of the built environment and thermal comfort within buildings.

Matt is the PI on the EPSRC project "The creation of localised current and future weather for the built environment" working with the University of Bath and Newcastle University. The aim of this project will be to see if a method can be devised that is capable of creating local weather from 2015 to 2080 covering the whole UK at a resolution of 5km, and to include within this files that represent various excursions from the mean: e.g. heat waves and cold snaps.

Previously Matt was an EPSRC Career Acceleration Research Fellow at the Centre for Energy and the Environment working on the project "The development of an early stage thermal model to protect against uncertainty and morbidity in buildings under predicted climate change." In this work statistical models were developed to optimise building designs in terms of their energy use and the thermal comfort of the occupants. The work also investigated how overheating was modelled in buildings. Research showed that key issue was not the definition of overheating but the weather data used to assess overheating was not representative of near extreme events. The findings have been used to develop new probabilistic design summer years for the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) for the use of building simulation, compliance and overheating assessments. This data is now distributed by CIBSE to practicing architects and engineers (full release march 2016).

In previous Research Matt worked on the EPSRC project “The Use of Probabilistic Climate Change Data to Future-proof Design Decisions in the Building Sector.” His research focused on the creation of future design weather years for the period 2020 to 2080 using recent projections of climate change as released by United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme and the MetOffice. These weather files provide the opportunity to evaluate the impact of varying climate change scenarios on building design performance throughout its life-cycle. This work is widely used by academics and industry to see how buildings will cope with the weather of the future. BREEAM credits are awarded for using the data to show how the building can adapted to changes in the climate.

Matt was awarded the Napier Shaw Bronze medal by the CIBSE.

Google scholar citations


Matt currently teaches on the modules

PHY3067 - Energy and the Environment

ECMM173 - Lean thinking and Sustainability in Industry

ECMM163 - Sustainable Engineering

Matt also supervises individual and group projects. This year's students are investigating the effectiveness of natural ventilation in buildings.

PhD opportunities

I am interested in supervising students in projects connected to the built environment.

I have PhD positions available.  These are advertised here:

Please get in contact if you are interested in working on these exciting projects.

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |




  • Baker E. (2021) Emulation of Stochastic Computer Models with an Application to Building Design.



  • Baker E, Challenor P, Eames M. (2019) Predicting the Output From a Stochastic Computer Model When a Deterministic Approximation is Available, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.1902.01290.
  • Baker E, Challenor P, Eames M. (2019) Diagnostics for Stochastic Gaussian Process Emulators, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.1902.01289.
  • Heard C, Eames M, Garcia Lopez E, Olivera Villarroel S. (2019) Climate change impact on thermal comfort in Mexico City housing, 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Economics, Heriot-watt University, Edinburgh, 20th - 22nd Aug 2019, WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy, volume 5, pages 79-79.
  • Baker E, Challenor P, Eames M. (2019) Predicting the Output From a Stochastic Computer Model When a Deterministic Approximation is Available. [PDF]
  • Baker E, Challenor P, Eames M. (2019) Diagnostics for Stochastic Gaussian Process Emulators. [PDF]


  • Ramallo Gonzalez A, Eames ME, Herrera M, Coley D. (2017) An Analytical Approach to the Impact of Heat Waves on Buildings and Their Occupants, 2017 ASHRAE Annual Conference, 24th - 28th Jun 2017.
  • Wood MJ, Eames ME, Fosas de Pando D. (2017) Minimising Overheating in Passive and Low Energy Buildings Using Kriging-based inverse modelling techniques, Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference, Edinburgh, 3rd - 5th Jul 2017, Proceedings of the Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference, volume 3, pages 3826-3833.
  • Herrera M, Natarajan S, Coley DA, Kershaw T, Ramallo-González AP, Eames M, Fosas D, Wood M. (2017) A review of current and future weather data for building simulation, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, volume 38, no. 5, pages 602-627, DOI:10.1177/0143624417705937. [PDF]



  • Eames ME, wood M, challenor P. (2015) A COMPARISON BETWEEN GAUSSIAN PROCESS EMULATION AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS FOR OPTIMISING ENERGY USE OF BUILDINGS, IBPSA Building Simulation Conference 2015, Hyderabad, India, 7th - 9th Dec 2015.
  • Eames ME, Wood M, Challenor P. (2015) THE IMPLICATIONS OF TRANSPORTING ARCHITECTURE ON HUMAN HEALTH, IBPSA Building Simulation Conference 2015, Hyderabad, India, 7th - 9th Dec 2015.







  • Eames ME, Wang J, Pogue BW, Dehghani H. (2009) Wavelength optimization in spectral near-infrared optical tomography, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 7171, DOI:10.1117/12.807768.
  • Eames ME, Inkson JC. (2009) An analytic approach to tunnelling magnetoresistance, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, volume 321, no. 16, pages 2438-2441.



  • Eames ME, Pogue BW, Carpenter CM, Dehghani H. (2007) Three dimensional near infrared tomography of the breast, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
  • Eames ME, Pogue BW, Yalavarthy PK, Dehghani H. (2007) An efficient Jacobian reduction method for diffuse optical image reconstruction, Optics Express, volume 15, no. 24, pages 15908-15919, DOI:10.1364/OE.15.015908.
  • Eames ME, Pogue BW, Carpenter CM, Dehghani H. (2007) Three dimensional near infrared tomography of the breast, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, volume 6629.
  • Inkson, J.E.. (2007) An analytical approach to tunnelling magntoresistance, Applied Physics Letters.



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