Prof Jude Meakin
Associate Professor in Spine Biomechanics
(Streatham) 4109 or (Streatham) 6624
01392 724109 or 01392 726624
- Module lead for The Biophysics of Cell and Tissues (PHY3061)
- Admissions tutor
- Physics Inclusion Group member
Research Interests
My research is concerned with understanding the human spine and its associated tissues. My previous work has highlighted the wide inter-subject variability in spinal shape and shown that this shape is partially maintained in different postures. My goal is to understand whether this variation is anatomical or postural and determine how it affects biomechanics and biomaterials both in healthy spines and those suffering from spinal disorders. I collaborate with a variety of academic and clinical colleagues.
Current projects include:
- developing novel methods for generating subject-specific spinal models (see IDSSSM website for more details);
- exploring magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy methods for assessing spinal muscle function in vivo;
- understanding the relationship between composition, structure, and function in the spinal tissues.
I am offering to supervise self-funded PhD students in the areas of:
- spinal tissue structure and mechanics (experimental, imaging and modelling);
- whole spine biomechanics (experimental, imaging and modelling).
Education and Employment
- 2022 - Associate professor, University of Exeter
- 2016 - 2022 Senior lecturer, University of Exeter
- 2010 - 2015 Lecturer, University of Exeter
- 2002 - 2010 Research fellow, University of Aberdeen
- 2001 - 2002 Research associate, University of Calgary, Canada
- 1999 - 2001 Research assistant/fellow, University of Aberdeen
- 1995 - 1998 PhD Biomedical Physics & Bioengineering, University of Aberdeen
- 1994 - 1995 MSc Information Technology (Medical Physics), University of Aberdeen
- 1990 - 1993 BSc Hons Physics, University of Manchester
Externally Funded Research Projects
- "Image-driven subject-specific spine models", EPSRC, 01 Oct 2021 - 30 Sep 2024, £801,230, (PI)
- "Thoracic vertebral shape: comparison of scoliotic and non-scoliotic vertebrae using MR images and statistical shape modelling", British Scoliosis Research Foundation, 04 Jan 2021 - 30 Jun 2022, £39,948, (PI)
- "The human vertebral endplate: its biomechanics and involvement in spinal disorders", Orthopaedic Research UK, 01 Apr 2016 - 31 Mar 2019, £74,690, (Co-I)
- "Estimation of in vivo inter-vertebral loading during motion using fluoroscopic and MRI informed finite element models", Chiropractic Research Council, 01 Jul 2015 - 31 Jun 2016, £40,344, (Co-I)
- "The CSPINE study: investigating the acceptability and efficacy of computer-aided detection software for cervical spine fracture diagnosis", Royal Devon & Exeter small grants, 01 Feb 2015 - 31 Jul 2015, £10,201, (Co-I)
- "Needle injury to the annulus of the intervertebral disc: mechanisms and minimisation", The Henry Smith Charity, 01 Nov 2014 - 31 Oct 2017, £155,200, (Co-I)
- "Vertebral morphology characterisation: developing reliable methods for scoliosis research", British Scoliosis Research Foundation, 01 Aug 2013 - 31 Jul 2014, £33,329, (PI)
- "Characterisation of the three-dimensional shape of human vertebrae using statistical shape methods", Royal Society, 01 Apr 2013 - 31 Mar 2014, £9,666, (PI)
- "Linking the shape of the hip, knee and spine in back pain and disc degeneration", Grampian NHS Trust Endowments, 01 Apr 2010 - 31 Mar 2012, £10,800, (PI)
- "Spinal posture and the dynamics of load and lifting", Grampian NHS Trust Endowments, 01 Apr 2008 - 31 Mar 2009, £8,000, (PI)
- "Imaging markers for muscle function", Translational Medicine Research Collaboration, 01 Jun 2008 - 31 Nov 2009, £626,053, (Co-I)
- "Stress analysis of the human proximal femur and the role of the ligaments and muscles", Arthritis Research Campaign, 01 Oct 2007 - 30 Sep 2010, £106,252, (Co-I)
- "The shape of the spine and its effects on normal biomechanics", Grampian NHS Trust Endowments:, 01 Apr 2007 - 31 Mar 2008, £6,900, (PI)
- "3D modelling of joints from CT and MR images", Grampain NHS Trust Endowments, 01 Jan 2005 - 28 Feb 2006, £6732, (Co-I)
- "Stress distributions in the human proximal femur and the effects of shape on the risk of fracture", Arthritis Research Campaign, 01 Jun 2003 - 31 May 2005, £57,533, (Co-I)
- "Co-operative reinforcement of tissues by collagen", Arthritis Research Campaign, 01 Feb 2002 - 31 Mar 2003, £61,739, (Co-I)
- "Special award for research visit", Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, 01 May 2001 - 31 Oct 2001, £5,000, (PI)
- "Travel award for research visit", Royal Society, 01 May 2001 - 31 Oct 2001, £880, (PI)
- "Probabilistic methods in finite element analysis of biological systems", The Wellcome Trust, 12 Jun 2000 - 05 Aug 2000, £1,160, (PI)
- "Collagen in the annulus fibrosus of sheep and deer lumbar intervertebral discs", Arthritis Research Campaign, 01 Jun 2000 - 28 Feb 2001, £5,428, (PI)
- "Sheep and deer intervertebral discs as models for investigating disc replacement", Grampian NHS Trust Endowments, 01 Apr 2000 - 31 Mar 2001, £880, (PI)
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 |
- Rivera Tapia ED, Meakin JR, Holsgrove TP. (2024) A novel in-vitro model of intervertebral disc degeneration using hyperphysiological loading, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 167, pages 112068-112068, article no. 112068, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2024.112068. [PDF]
- Williams D, Ward M, Kelly E, Shillabeer D, Williams J, Javadi A, Holsgrove T, Meakin J, Holt C. (2023) BORS/BJR TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP: IMAGE-DRIVEN SUBJECT-SPECIFIC SPINE MODELS: DEVELOPING A NOVEL TOOL TO MEASURE IN VIVO LOADING, Orthopaedic Proceedings, volume 105-B, no. SUPP_16, pages 50-50, DOI:10.1302/1358-992x.2023.16.050.
- Kelly E, Javadi A, Holsgrove T, Ward M, Williams D, Shillabeer D, Holt C, Meakin J. (2023) Comparison of two machine-learning methods to predict intervertebral disc properties, International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Paris, France, 3rd - 5th May 2023.
- Rivera Tapia D, Meakin J, Holsgrove T. (2023) A model of intervertebral disc degeneration using combined cyclic overloading and enzyme digestion, 4th International Workshop on Spine Loading and Deformation, Berlin, Germany, 5th - 7th Jul 2023.
- Al-Qahtani A. (2023) Exploring the age-related and fracture-related changes in vertebral muscles using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
- Rivera Tapia ED, Meakin JR, Holsgrove TP. (2022) In-vitro models of disc degeneration – A review of methods and clinical relevance, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 142, pages 111260-111260, article no. 111260, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2022.111260. [PDF]
- Rodrigues L, Knapp K, Meakin J, Heales C, Alqahtani A, Gill M, Haji Abdullah Z, Vilela-Mansell C, Ding C. (2022) Trabecular bone score (TBS) role in fracture risk assessment, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, 13th - 17th Jul 2022.
- Hu J, Gundry M, Zheng K, Zhong J, Hourigan P, Meakin JR, Winlove CP, Toms AD, Knapp KM, Chen J. (2022) The biomechanics of metaphyseal cone augmentation in revision knee replacement, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, volume 131, DOI:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2022.105233. [PDF]
- Alharthi S, Meakin J, Wright C, Fulford J. (2022) The impact of altering participant MRI scanning position on back muscle volume measurements, BJR|Open, volume 4, no. 1, DOI:10.1259/bjro.20210051.
- Rivera Tapia D, Meakin J, Holsgrove T. (2021) In-vitro modelling of the human intervertebral disc degneneration, 26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Milan, Italy, 11th - 14th Jul 2021.
- Meakin JR, Hopkins SJ, Clarke A. (2019) In Vivo Assessment of Thoracic Vertebral Shape From MRI Data Using a Shape Model, Spine Deform, volume 7, no. 4, pages 517-524, DOI:10.1016/j.jspd.2018.10.005. [PDF]
- Manning F. (2019) The vertebral endplate: its structure and function.
- Meakin JR, Ames RM, Jeynes JCG, Welsman J, Gundry M, Knapp K, Everson R. (2019) The feasibility of using citizens to segment anatomy from medical images: Accuracy and motivation, PLOS ONE, volume 14, no. 10, pages e0222523-e0222523, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0222523. [PDF]
- Rivera Tapia D, Meakin J, Holsgrove T. (2019) In-Vitro Perspective into Micro-structural Degeneration of the Intervertebral Disc: a Biomechanical Approach, 3rd International Workshop on Spine Loading and Deformation, Berlin, Germany, 4th - 6th Jul 2019.
- Alqahtani SJM. (2019) Projection radiography in obese populations: how can image quality be improved?.
- Meakin J, Ames RM, Jeynes JCG, Welsman JR, Gundry MJ, Knapp KM, Everson RM. (2019) CitSeg pilot data.
- Langlais T, Desprairies P, Pietton R, Rohan PY, Dubousset J, Meakin JR, Winlove PC, Vialle R, Skalli W, Vergari C. (2019) Microstructural characterization of annulus fibrosus by ultrasonography: a feasibility study with an in vivo and in vitro approach, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, volume 18, no. 6, pages 1979-1986, DOI:10.1007/s10237-019-01189-3.
- Meakin JR, Hopkins SJ, Clarke A. (2019) In Vivo Assessment of Thoracic Vertebral Shape From MRI Data Using a Shape Model, Spine Deform, volume 7, no. 4, pages 517-524, DOI:10.1016/j.jspd.2018.10.005. [PDF]
- Alqahtani S, Wellbourn R, Meakin JR, Palfrey R, Rimes S, Thomson K, Knapp K. (2018) Increased radiation dose and projected radiation-related lifetime cancer risk in patients with obesity due to projection radiography, Journal of Radiological Protection, volume 39, article no. 38, DOI:10.1088/1361-6498/aaf1dd.
- Gundry M, Knapp K, Meertens R, Meakin JR. (2018) Computer-aided detection in musculoskeletal projection radiography: A systematic review, Radiography, volume 24, no. 2, pages 165-174, DOI:10.1016/j.radi.2017.11.002.
- Shojaei I, Arjmand N, Meakin JR, Bazrgari B. (2018) A model-based approach for estimation of changes in lumbar segmental kinematics associated with alterations in trunk muscle forces, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 70, pages 82-87, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.09.024.
- Zanjani-Pour S, Meakin JR, Breen A, Breen A. (2018) Estimation of in vivo inter-vertebral loading during motion using fluoroscopic and magnetic resonance image informed finite element models, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 70, pages 134-139, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.09.025.
- Budd H, Hutton M, Stokes O, Clarke A, Fulford J, Meakin J. (2017) Are MAGEC Rods a Contraindication to MRI: An In-Vitro Study Evaluating the Effect of MRI on Rod Growth, Temperature, and Image Interpretation, Global Spine Journal, volume 5, no. 1_suppl, DOI:10.1055/s-0035-1554218.
- Vergari C, Mansfield JC, Chan D, Clarke A, Meakin JR, Winlove PC. (2017) The effects of needle damage on annulus fibrosus micromechanics, Acta Biomaterialia, volume 63, pages 274-282, DOI:10.1016/j.actbio.2017.09.015.
- Psatha M, Wu Z, Gammie F, Ratkevicius A, Wackerhage H, Redpath TW, Gilbert FJ, Meakin JR, Aspden RM. (2017) Age-related changes in the effects of strength training on lower leg muscles in healthy individuals measured using MRI, BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, volume 3, no. 1, pages e000249-e000249, DOI:10.1136/bmjsem-2017-000249. [PDF]
- Vergari C, Chan D, Clarke A, Mansfield JC, Meakin JR, Winlove PC. (2017) Bovine and degenerated human annulus fibrosus: a microstructural and micromechanical comparison, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, volume 16, no. 4, pages 1475-1484, DOI:10.1007/s10237-017-0900-z.
- Da Boit M, Sibson R, Sivasubramaniam S, Meakin JR, Greig CA, Aspden RM, Thies F, Jeromson S, Hamilton DL, Speakman JR. (2017) Sex differences in the effect of fish-oil supplementation on the adaptive response to resistance exercise training in older people: A randomized controlled trial, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, volume 105, no. 1, pages 151-158, DOI:10.3945/ajcn.116.140780.
- Zheng G, Chu C, Belavý DL, Ibragimov B, Korez R, Vrtovec T, Hutt H, Everson R, Meakin J, Andrade IL. (2017) Evaluation and comparison of 3D intervertebral disc localization and segmentation methods for 3D T2 MR data: A grand challenge, Medical Image Analysis, volume 35, pages 327-344, DOI:10.1016/
- Budd H, Hutton M, Stokes O, Clarke A, Fulford J, Meakin J. (2016) Can patients with magnetic growth rods safely undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): a preliminary in vitro study, The Spine Journal, volume 16, no. 4, DOI:10.1016/j.spinee.2015.12.052.
- Hutt H, Everson R, Meakin J. (2016) 3D Intervertebral Disc Segmentation from MRI Using Supervoxel-Based CRFs, Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging, CSI 2015, volume 9402, pages 125-129, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-41827-8_12. [PDF]
- Ghezelbash F, Shirazi-Adl A, Arjmand N, El-Ouaaid Z, Plamondon A, Meakin JR. (2016) Effects of sex, age, body height and body weight on spinal loads: Sensitivity analyses in a subject-specific trunk musculoskeletal model, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 49, no. 14, pages 3492-3501, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.09.026.
- Da Boit M, Sibson R, Meakin JR, Aspden RM, Thies F, Mangoni AA, Gray SR. (2016) Sex differences in the response to resistance exercise training in older people, Physiol Rep, volume 4, no. 12, DOI:10.14814/phy2.12834. [PDF]
- Vergari C, Mansfield J, Meakin J, Winlove CP. (2016) Lamellar and fibre bundle mechanics of the annulus fibrosus in bovine intervertebral disc, Acta Biomaterialia. [PDF]
- Zanjani-Pour S, Winlove CP, Smith CW, Meakin JR. (2016) Image driven subject-specific finite element models of spinal biomechanics, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 49, no. 6, pages 919-925, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.02.025.
- Budd H, Hutton M, Stokes O, Clarke A, Fulford J, Meakin J. (2015) Magnetic growing rods in paediatric deformity patients: are they MRI compatible? An in-vitro study, The Spine Journal, volume 15, no. 3, DOI:10.1016/j.spinee.2014.12.130.
- Hutt H, Everson R, Meakin J. (2015) Segmentation of lumbar vertebrae slices from CT images, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, volume 20, pages 61-71, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-14148-0_6.
- Knapp KM, Gundry M, Phillips M, Ashton L, Meakin J, Appelboam A, Reuben A, Slabaugh G. (2015) Can the Genant semi-quantitative scale for vertebral fracture assessment be applied to cervical spine radiographs using CSPINE-CAD?, Ukrc, Liverpool Uk.
- Psatha M, Wu Z, Gammie FM, Ratkevicius A, Wackerhage H, Lee JH, Redpath TW, Gilbert FJ, Ashcroft GP, Meakin JR. (2015) A longitudinal study of muscle rehabilitation in the lower leg after cast removal using magnetic resonance imaging and strength assessment, International Biomechanics, volume 2, no. 1, pages 101-112, DOI:10.1080/23335432.2015.1070686. [PDF]
- Hutt H, Everson R, Meakin JR. (2015) Segmentation of lumbar vertebrae slices from CT images, Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, volume 20, pages 61-72, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-14148-0_6.
- Fulford J, Liepa A, Barker AR, Meakin JR. (2014) The reliability of 31P-MRS and NIRS measurements of spinal muscle function, International Journal of Sports Medicine, volume 35, no. 13, pages 1078-1083, DOI:10.1055/s-0034-1372639.
- Pavlova AV, Meakin JR, Cooper K, Barr RJ, Aspden RM. (2014) The lumbar spine has an intrinsic shape specific to each individual that remains a characteristic throughout flexion and extension, European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, volume 23 Suppl 1, pages S26-S32, DOI:10.1007/s00586-013-3162-1.
- Knapp KM, O'Connell L, Deane S, Murphy V, Evans N, Meakin J. (2013) Do different types of body fat have a differential relationship to bone mineral density?.
- Meakin JR, Fulford J, Seymour R, Welsman JR, Knapp KM. (2013) The relationship between sagittal curvature and extensor muscle volume in the lumbar spine, Journal of Anatomy, volume 222, no. 6, pages 608-614, DOI:10.1111/joa.12047.
- Knapp KM, Meakin J, Fulford J, Seymour R, Welsman J. (2012) The association between extensor muscle size and sagittal curvature in the lumbar spine.
- Knapp KM, Guest C, Harris J, Meakin J. (2012) A comparison of UK young adult reference data with manufacturer US reference data for the GE Lunar Insight.
- Psatha M, Wu Z, Gammie FM, Ratkevicius A, Wackerhage H, Lee JH, Redpath TW, Gilbert FJ, Ashcroft GP, Meakin JR. (2012) A longitudinal MRI study of muscle atrophy during lower leg immobilization following ankle fracture, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, volume 35, no. 3, pages 686-695.
- Meakin JR, Aspden RM. (2012) Modeling the effect of variation in sagittal curvature on the force required to produce a follower load in the lumbar spine, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, volume 12, no. 1, DOI:10.1142/S0219519412004466.
- Ali AHA, Cowan AB, Gregory JS, Aspden RM, Meakin JR. (2012) The accuracy of active shape modelling and end-plate measurements for characterising the shape of the lumbar spine in the sagittal plane, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, volume 15, no. 2, pages 167-172, DOI:10.1080/10255842.2010.518962.
- Goh KL, Meakin JR, Hukins DWL. (2010) Influence of fibre taper on the interfacial shear stress in fibre-reinforced composite materials during elastic stress transfer, Compos Interfaces, volume 17, no. 1, pages 75-81, DOI:10.1163/092764409X12580201111665.
- Meakin JR, Gregory JS, Aspden RM, Smith FW, Gilbert FJ. (2009) The intrinsic shape of the human lumbar spine in the supine, standing and sitting postures: Characterization using an active shape model, Journal of Anatomy, volume 215, no. 2, pages 206-211, DOI:10.1111/j.1469-7580.2009.01102.x.
- Meakin JR, Gregory JS, Smith FW, Gilbert FJ, Aspden RM. (2008) THE INTRINSIC SHAPE OF THE LUMBAR SPINE AND THE EFFECTS OF POSTURE AND TIME OF DAY, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 41, DOI:10.1016/s0021-9290(08)70198-2.
- Meakin JR, Gregory JS, Smith FW, Gilbert FJ, Aspden RM. (2008) EFFECTS OF LOADBEARING ON SPINAL SHAPE IN THE UPRIGHT STANCE USING ACTIVE SHAPE MODELLING, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 41, DOI:10.1016/s0021-9290(08)70195-7.
- Meakin JR, Gregory JS, Smith FW, Gilbert FJ, Aspden RM. (2008) Characterizing the shape of the lumbar spine using an active shape model: reliability and precision of the method, Spine (Phila Pa 1976), volume 33, no. 7, pages 807-813, DOI:10.1097/BRS.0b013e31816949e6. [PDF]
- Meakin JR, Smith FW, Gilbert FJ, Aspden RM. (2008) The effect of axial load on the sagittal plane curvature of the upright human spine in vivo, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 41, no. 13, pages 2850-2854, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2008.06.035.
- Meakin JR, Aspden RM, Smith FW, Gilbert FJ. (2007) THE EFFECT OF LOAD ON THE SHAPE OF THE LUMBAR SPINE, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 40, DOI:10.1016/s0021-9290(07)70266-x.
- Munro NA, Downing MR, Meakin JR, Lee AJ, Ashcroft GP. (2007) A hydroxyapatite graft substitute reduces subsidence in a femoral impaction grafting model, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, no. 455, pages 246-252, DOI:10.1097/01.blo.0000238828.65434.b0.
- Goh KL, Meakin JR, Aspden RM, Hukins DWL. (2007) Stress transfer in collagen fibrils reinforcing connective tissues: Effects of collagen fibril slenderness and relative stiffness, Journal of Theoretical Biology, volume 245, no. 2, pages 305-311, DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.10.008.
- Rudman KE, Aspden RM, Meakin JR. (2006) Compression or tension? The stress distribution in the proximal femur, Biomedical Engineering Online, volume 5, DOI:10.1186/1475-925X-5-12.
- Aspden RM, Rudman KE, Meakin JR. (2006) A mechanism for balancing the human body on the hips, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 39, no. 9, pages 1757-1759, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2005.04.028.
- Meakin JR, Aspden RM. (2006) Static and dynamic stability of the spine, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 39, no. 15, pages 2919-2920, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2006.07.014.
- Kumar N, Judith MR, Kumar A, Mishra V, Robert MC. (2005) Analysis of stress distribution in lumbar interbody fusion, Spine, volume 30, no. 15, pages 1731-1735, DOI:10.1097/01.brs.0000172160.78207.49. [PDF]
- Goh KL, Hiller J, Haston JL, Holmes DF, Kadler KE, Murdoch A, Meakin JR, Wess TJ. (2005) Analysis of collagen fibril diameter distribution in connective tissues using small-angle X-ray scattering, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, volume 1722, no. 2, pages 183-188, DOI:10.1016/j.bbagen.2004.12.004.
- Goh KL, Meakin JR, Aspden RM, Hukins DWL. (2005) Influence of fibril taper on the function of collagen to reinforce extracellular matrix, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, volume 272, no. 1575, pages 1979-1983, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2005.3173.
- Meakin JR. (2004) Biomaterials, Encyclopedia of supramolecular chemistry, CRC, 110-113.
- Meakin JR, Shepherd DET, Hukins DWL. (2004) Fused deposition models from CT scans, Br. J. Radiol, volume 77, no. 918, pages 504-507, DOI:10.1259/bjr/50012454. [PDF]
- Meakin JR, Hukins DWL, Aspden RM, Imrie CT. (2003) Rheological properties of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA) as a function of water content and deformation frequency, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Med, volume 14, no. 9, pages 783-787, DOI:10.1023/A:1025088405674. [PDF]
- Meakin JR, Hukins DWL, Imrie CT, Aspden RM. (2003) Thermal analysis of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA) hydrogels, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, volume 14, no. 1, pages 9-15, DOI:10.1023/A:1021589017753.
- Meakin JR, Shrive NG, Frank CB, Hart DA. (2003) Finite element analysis of the meniscus: The influence of geometry and material properties on its behaviour, Knee, volume 10, no. 1, pages 33-41, DOI:10.1016/S0968-0160(02)00106-0.
- Espino DM, Meakin JR, Hukins DW, Reid JE. (2003) Stochastic finite element analysis of biological systems: comparison of a simple intervertebral disc model with experimental results, Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, volume 6, no. 4, pages 243-248. [PDF]
- Hukins DWL, Meakin JR, Oxland TR, Frei H. (2002) Letter to the editor [2] (multiple letters), Spine, volume 27, no. 10, pages 1126-1127. [PDF]
- Reid JE, Meakin JR, Robins SP, Skakle JMS, Hukins DWL. (2002) Sheep lumbar intervertebral discs as models for human discs, Clinical Biomechanics, volume 17, pages 312-314, DOI:10.1016/S0268-0033(02)00009-8.
- Dar FH, Meakin JR, Aspden RM. (2002) Statistical methods in finite element analysis, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 35, no. 9, pages 1155-1161, DOI:10.1016/S0021-9290(02)00085-4.
- Meakin JR, Reid JE, Hukins DWL. (2001) Replacing the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc, Clin. Biomech, volume 16, no. 7, pages 560-565, DOI:10.1016/S0268-0033(01)00042-0. [PDF]
- Meakin JR, Hukins DWL. (2001) Replacing the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disk: Prediction of suitable properties of a replacement material using finite element analysis, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Med, volume 12, no. 3, pages 207-213, DOI:10.1023/A:1008954813910.
- Meakin JR, Redpath TW, Hukins DWL. (2001) The effect of partial removal of the nucleus pulposus on the response of the human annulus fibrosus to compression, Clinical Biomechanics, volume 16, no. 2, pages 121-128, DOI:10.1016/S0268-0033(00)00075-9.
- Hukins DWL, Meakin JR, Leahy JC. (2001) Biomechanics of the spine: the engineer's view, Lasers in the musculoskeletal system, Springer Verlag, 237-240.
- Davison JC, Meakin JR, Skakle JMS, Hukins DWL. (2001) X-ray diffraction shows a 0.5 nm spacing in hydrogels of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA), Journal of Materials Science Letters, volume 20, no. 23, pages 2135-2136, DOI:10.1023/A:1013776331345.
- Meakin JR, Hukins DWL. (2000) Effect of removing the nucleus pulposus on the deformation of the annulus fibrosus during compression of the intervertebral disc, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 33, no. 5, pages 575-580, DOI:10.1016/S0021-9290(99)00215-8.
- Hukins DWL, Meakin JR. (2000) Relationship between structure and mechanical function of the tissues of the intervertebral joint, American Zoology, volume 40, no. 1, pages 42-52, DOI:10.1093/icb/40.1.42.
- Meakin JR, Aspden RM, Hukins DWL. (1998) Biomechanical models of the human lumbar spine, Comments on Theoretical Biology, volume 5, no. 1, pages 49-68.
- Meakin JR, Hukins DWL, Aspden RM. (1997) Euler buckling as a model for the curvature and flexion of the human lumbar spine, Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, volume 9, no. 1, pages 53-55.
- Meakin JR, Hukins DWL, Aspden RM. (1996) Euler buckling as a model for the curvature and flexion of the human lumbar spine, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, volume 263, no. 1375, pages 1383-1387, DOI:10.1098/rspb.1996.0202.