Peer Support Networks
Our department has three peer support networks: Women in Physics, Chroma and Ethnic Minorities. These networks aim to provide peer support to minoritised groups in the Physics and Astronomy department and are open to all Physics and Natural Sciences students and staff (academic and professional services). More details on each network are given below, including links on how to join each network's mailing list. We welcome suggestions for further networks that will help increase inclusion in our department.
The Women in Physics network is for people who identify as female or non-binary. Michelle Bailey and Almudena Visser Velez run the network. You can follow the group on Twitter (Women in Physics Twitter) and Facebook (Women in Physics Facebook) and sign up for the mailing list here (Women in Physics mailing list).
The Chroma network is for everyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ or is an ally to this community. David Newman and Bella Hartley run the network, and you can join the mailing list here (Chroma mailing list).
The ethnic minorities network is a cross-department network for ethnic minority students and staff in the Physics, Maths and Engineering departments. Pressy Albuquerque and Sufyan Butt are organising the network, and you can join the mailing list here (Ethnic minorities mailing list).
PRISM Exeter
The award-winning regional network for LGBTQ+ STEMM professionals and students, PRISM Exeter, was founded in 2018 (and is still chaired) by Physics and Astronomy staff member Dr Claire Davies.
PRISM Exeter run quarterly events platforming LGBTQ+ scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians, and medics to shed light on the barriers to inclusion faced by this community. These ‘Speakers’ events are open to all and recordings of talks from previous events can be found on the PRISM Exeter YouTube channel.
In even-numbered years, PRISM Exeter also run a student communication competition, QSC. From 1st February to 15th March 2024, school, college and university students from across the South West of England are invited to submit short essays or videos championing LGBTQ+ scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians, and medics whose life and/or work they find inspiring. One winner will receive a cash prize of £100, and two runners-up will each receive a cash prize of £50. The individuals championed in the winning entries will be celebrated at Intercom Trust’s School’s Gathering in June 2024, held in partnership with PRISM Exeter and the University of Exeter Widening Participation team.
To promote QSC 2024 to your students or community group, use this link to download a copy of the QSC Schools Resources Pack.